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Shortcut to temporal Google doc for meeting notes:


  • Apps & Tools Working Group: next call April 21 at 1pm ET

  • Ontology Working Group:   next call May 5 at 1pm ET

    • When there’s no Apps & Tools or Ontology call, there’s usually an “office hours” call for informal, unscripted questions about the ontology

  • VIVO Task Force updates (wiki home)

  • 2015 VIVO Conference Call for Papers now open!

    • All submissions through EasyChair due by Friday, April 24th 5:00 PM PST

    • More info and links online:

    • Brigitte: how likely is the deadline to be extended? Jon: it has already been extended once in past years, but there may be a late breaking call for lightning talks. Only a 1-page abstract required for presentations, panels, and posters. No formal proceedings, so a paper is more of a presentations. Posters are showcased at a cocktail reception -- no related presentation required.

    • Conference registration will be opening soon -- look for the announcements

  • VIVO Tech Lead job description has been posted at

    • Please help circulate so we attract the best candidates

  • VIVO 1.8 release update

    • Draft of release notes: 

    • Highlights

      • improvements in modularity

      • improvements in performance, especially a full re-inferencing

      • faster startup (nice for developers)

      • flexibility to configure VIVO to use other triplestores, thanks in part to Eliza at Weill Cornell’s help

        • Looking for someone to help make authenticated requests to Virtuoso so Virtuoso’s authentication doesn’t have to be disabled

      • markup being included on several types of pages, thanks to Nate from Colorado

    • Our second release candidate is out and Holly Mistlebauer has found a couple of issues for Jim and others to address

      • Remaining issues: a change in the way errors are handled and an error in the mime type of an error message about internationalization

      • Give it a look and provide feedback from your testing

    • Caveat: n3 application config file moved in v1.8 -- has to be copied to the VIVO home config directory

    • Don -- are there switches for TDB? Jim -- they are on the wiki for the next release -- will send a link

    • John F -- trying to get going with Virtuoso -- can’t yet successfully execute the SPARQL update

      • Eliza’s changes were applied to 1.7 but have been incorporated into the restructured access code in 1.8

    • Check out the current release candidate at maint-rel-1.8 at the head of the branch

  • Next Thursday's call: Kristi Holmes will be joining to talk about VIVO and other communitiesTech Lead job description has been posted at 

  • jobs
    • hot-topics tomorrow

    • The event had been oversubscribed -- a popular topic


  • Brown

  • Colorado (Don, Nate)

    • Awards ( Internal and Academic Analytics ), CV’s, and 1.7 features are now live at 

      • Geomap

      • Statistics

      • CV download

    • Emailed CU faculty with awards and honors, and saw a spike in web traffic

      • Doing post-release monitoring to look at search terms, what pages are being hit, etc.

    • Have a new mechanism for faculty to provide feedback and corrections

    • CVs also live -- all who have tagged that their vita can be public get that displayed as an email link

    • Nate is exploring a new harvest process in python after input from Ted and Steven at Brown, using the SPARQL update API in VIVO

  • Cornell (Jon, Jim, JohnF)

    • Spending a lot of time dealing with performance issues -- for some reason in the late morning the system slows down and we have not found culprits in terms of traffic

    • Hoping for a VIVO conf paper on site going into beta that connects VIVO to a Blacklight search Rails app, including live interactive web mapping and NY state climate data

  • Dartmouth (Rodney)

    • Working on Python tools to import csv data.  Able to import profile data, departments, positions, publications, should work with pretty much any data.

      • Built by entering sample data into VIVO and exporting it to learn the structure

      • Using a Python RDF library? More just outputting the triples directly into SPARQL update interface.

      • Hopes to share once stable

      • Justin (GWU) -- uses Python for loading and has some code for dealing with the SPARQL update interface, including splitting up the data into smaller chunks

      • Jim - either of these efforts would be great topics for the apps & tools calls

    • Looking for external data sources for grants, clinical trials, etc.

      • NIH RePorter?

      • NSF has a database of grants

      • This would be a good task force idea

      • There’s also some interest relative to SciENCV (a National Library of Medicine initiative due to expand to NSF as well as NIH)

  • Duke (Jim, Greg)

    • Duke recently went live with VIVO 1.7 upgrade in production -- starting work on updating profile caching and incremental indexing

    • Patrick has left Duke, so Jim and Greg will be picking up his work

  • DuraSpace

  • Emory

  • Florida

    • Completed a migration from 1.5 to 1.6 on a test instance in an AWS sandbox

      • 22 million triples became 32 million triples

    • Jim -- there are provisions and instructions in 1.8 for updating from 1.5 all the way through to 1.8

  • Fundação Getulio Vargas

  • George Washington University (Justin -

    • recently got a connection to a faculty information database, so switching their VIVO ingest to use this live data instead of a static spreadsheet

    • Also experimentally pulling data from ORCID records -- not sure it will go into production at GWU, but is hoping to get the code somewhere public so others can try

  • IFPRI -- International Food Policy Research Institute

  • Memorial University

  • Northwestern

  • Ontocale SRL

  • Scripps

  • Smithsonian

  • Stony Brook

  • Symplectic (Alex)

    • Working on submissions for the VIVO call for papers

  • RPI/Deep Carbon Observatory

  • Texas A&M

  • Thomson Reuters (Brigitte)

    • Working on the Harvester ingest, and also trying out Karma

    • Have done some earlier tests with CSV to learn how best to transform

  • UCLA

  • UCSF (Eric)

    • Getting together ideas for the VIVO Conference

    • Trying to package up the cross-linked faculty data to share it; may start looking at Virtuoso since it’s about 10GB of data

  • University of Maryland Baltimore County

  • University of Pennsylvania

  • University of Virginia

  • UNAVCO (Benjamin)

    • Attended meeting ( of NSF EarthCube Building Block projects (sub-grants)

      • Presented on VIVO and our use case along with Don Stott from NCAR -- good response and questions from the ~50 people there

      • One relevant outcome of the meeting was a geoscience semantics working group as part of the overall EarthCube community

        • e.g., interest in a portal for geoscience ontologies

        • ESIP (Earth Science Information Partners) may have a resource but appears to be offline

    • Has an email out to the implementation list about display limits on a few data properties -- tried to remove that from the add/remove RDF area unsuccessfully so deleted a quad from the MySQL database (shouldn’t be that hard)

      • Will create a Jira ticket

  • Virginia Tech (Keith)

    • Working on VIVO SURA pilot -- sharing grants through VIVO -- working on  grants data ingest

    • Will have data from Elements down the road, but for now is working with CSV data as a proof of concept using

  • Weill Cornell


Notable List Traffic

See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads

Call-in Information

Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time – convert to your time at
