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The MARCXML Module is a plugin that works with all solution packs to add new options to ingest and view metadata in MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) format. When this module is enabled:

On Single-Item Ingest -A An optional step is added to the ingest process to browse your local machine for MARC XML metadata , bypassing instead of filling out the ingest form. This MARC record will be cross-walked XML file is crosswalked and stored as a MODS records and the MARC record is discarded.On Batch Ingest - MARC XML can be included in a zipped batch just like MODS or DCrecord. The uploaded MARC XML is discarded after ingest and is not attached to the Fedora object.


The ZIP batch importer can ingest MARCXML even if the MARCXML Module is not installed. The ZIP importer transforms MARCXML to MODS using a different crosswalk file than the one included in the MARCXML Module.

On Viewing - A new tab is added to all objects to view the MODS datastream as a MARC record using an on-the-fly transformation. The transformed MARC record is available for downloadClick Download MARCXML to download a version of the MODS metadata that has been transformed to MARC XML. Any object with a MODS datastream can be viewed as a MARC record, whether or not it was ingested using the MARC XML option.


The MARC XML record is never stored in Fedora - it is always generated on-the-fly by the module from the data available in the MODS record stored in Fedora.


Information about dependencies can be found in the MARCXML module GitHub documentation.

The module uses Library of Congress XSL transformations to crosswalk MARCXML to MODS, crosswalk MODS to MARCXML, and to display MODS as MARCXML online. The XSLs used in this version of Islandora can be found in the GitHub repository.


There are no configuration options available for the MARCXML module in Drupal. Enabling the module adds the MARCXML tab to all solution packs for all users with permissions to view Fedora objects, and makes the MARCXML upload option available for all content models during ingest.


Using the MARCXML Module

Dependencies modules:
