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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time – convert to your time at


  • Apps & Tools Working Groupnext call September 2 August 26 at 1pm ET

  • Ontology Working Groupnext call August 19 (or September 9th?) at 1pm ET

    • On the Tuesdays when there is not a call, there will be Ontology Office Hours using the same call-in information as the main Ontology calls

  • VIVO Hackathon: October 13-15

    • Where: Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853
    • Who: Anyone interested in participating and hopefully contributing to the development, documentation, or testing of VIVO software, the VIVO-ISF ontology, or apps & tools to produce, visualize, or leverage VIVO data
      • Will be a Doodle Poll to gauge attendance
    • Cost: No registration fee. You pay your travel, hotel, and meals. We provide space, our local developers, refreshments.
    • Tentative plans

      • Sunday -- social time including Fingerlakes Winery Tour

      • Monday and Tuesday the primary

      • Wednesday is more optional but may get scheduled if a lot of people will miss all or part of Monday due to the Columbus Day holiday

    • Is there a way to have a track or tracks?

    • Tracks/topics -

    • Other ideas to add

      • new visualizations using the APIs or implementing an AJAX call out to a visualization app from the core

      • extending the ontology

      • working with the Harvester to build out the Symplectic Elements integration - e.g., mapping activities across to VIVO

      • wiki improvement and outreach to people doing development to encourage them to write their documentation as they go

        • and look at the other web presence VIVO has -- old stuff on the SourceForge site and on

          • making an archive of older content

        • Paul, Alex, and Layne interested

      • customization in the sense of color and branding to make your VIVO look distinctive

        • would be great if more of this were editable without coding, via the admin interface

      • search engine optimization?

      • working with FreeMarker

      • incorporating markup into display pages for Google to consume’

      • leveraging Google Analytics -- is there any way to associate the analytics code with data shared from VIVO? so that you can know who is consuming the data

    • Goal - know what technology stack you need to install before you come

    • Process -- can we vote

  • Next week’s Implementation/Development Call October 21 at 1pm ET: we’ll split the hour between a review of 2014 VIVO Annual Survey and VIVO hackathon update/planning:

Comments on VIVO Conference 

  • Presentations are starting to be available at

  • If you want to request funding from your supervisor to attend next year, what would you list as benefits?

    • Networking -- getting to meet so many people that had not met before

      • learning pain points, what is happening now, and aspirations

    • Knowledge sharing -- e.g., learning about software called WalkMe to provide users an onboarding tool

    • Coming back with strategies other schools have used in launching VIVO and understanding institutional barriers

    • Posters -- would be great to have a gallery for them where we could consult them -- Alex: can upload slides to figshare to for a DOI (possibly in browser presentation) -- also can use SlideShare

    • Opportunities for collaboration -- pulling aside people who are trying to do something similar to ask them how they do it -- face-to-face interactions

    • Being able to come to a conclusion on how to handle ingest, based on the recent momentum with the Harvester

      • Can confidently devote work to the Harvester now

    • Understanding better how to leverage Karma as a tool, as templates for mapping different kinds of data sources

      • possibly developing ways to exchange JSON-LD

  • SciTS -- nice to have them there, but was hard to get interaction -- something to think about if we co-locate again

  • Program suggestions?

    • More …

    • Less …

  • Any feedback about the vendor displays or location: good to have vendors close to food?

  • What could be better next year?

    • more time to talk with people you do meet

    • it’s hard to present a poster and still circulate to see the other posters

  • What do we want to do in Boston?

    • Visiting local VIVO/Profiles sites?

    • Scholarly inquiry at the Cambridge Brewing Company

    • Duck Boat Tour


  • Brown (Steve)

    • Steve and Ted interested in the Hackathon

    • Ted has been catching him up on the Conference

    • As the school year approaches, starting to catch stray bugs with publication harvester but things continuing along fairly smoothly

  • Colorado (Don)

    • Reached out to Denver metro people to setup a local VIVO meetup

      • UNAVCO, NCAR, RPI contingent, LASP, CU, Symplectic (we should invite the locals Kathy McD and colleague working on WorldCat-related SemWeb projects)

      • likely to be data-centric but focused around VIVO

    • VIVO 1.7 upgrade -- next 2-3 weeks!

    • Our ORCID workflow and code to be public by 9/15

      • Interest from others in adopting the workflow and rollout -- more than 50% of assigned ORCID iDs have been claimed to date

    • Elements upgrade to 4.10.1 -- next month

    • Equipment data made public in VIVO by October

      • Kathy Chiang wants to have Research Center personnel people at Cornell hear about CU’s equipment effort at Hackathon

    • Replicate our triplestore for a public Fuseki endpoint -- will need that to share data with internal and external partners

  • Cornell (Jon, Jim, Tim, Huda)

    • VIVO 1.7 in production for a few weeks now. No major issues so far.

    • Any updates on the possibility of a 1.7.1 point release? No evidence yet that we are aware of that it’s yet necessary

    • Still thinking of a late November code freeze for 1.8

  • Duke (Sheri, Patrick)

    • Time off for the team to recharge -- working on professional activity support in VIVO, and extracting report from VIVO widgets, support citation style choices as well

    • Later focus on upgrading Scholars@Duke to VIVO 1.6 -- hoping to be able to make queries compatible with both 1.5 and 1.6 to ease the transition

    • Hoping at least one and possibly two can attend the Hackathon

  • DuraSpace (Layne)

    • Working with Thomson Reuters as a new industrial-level sponsor of VIVO -- they’re very excited to be supporting VIVO

    • Also talking with Lukas Fowler from Squiz (the company behind Funnelback that powers UMelbourne’s Find an Expert VIVO instance) to see about their interest in adoption in North America

    • Getting lots of positive feedback from the Conference on the state of the community -- energy and excitement level is perceived as good

  • Emory (Daniel, Mary)

    • Following up on some ideas from conference: using SPARQL update API in their Harvest process, getting images from Elements to VIVO (spoke with Alex)

  • Florida

  • Fundação Getulio Vargas

  • IFPRI -- International Food Policy Research Institute (Cristina)

    • Slight hiccup with installation, in process of fixing before have started major ingest

    • Reporting back from conference and rethinking strategies for ingest and linking systems -- timely

  • Memorial University (Max)

    • Testing ontology ,and request for a review in the Ontology group.

    • Making a plan to test Drupal demo

  • Scripps (Michaeleen)

    • Board of Trustees appointed an interim President, also a department chair -- presented VIVO conf experience this week and putting together a report to seek funding and support

    • interested in customization and branding to make it look better -- hope to attend hackathon

    • Struck by the change since 2010 in the priority of generating CVs, when the commercial vendors are working to have push-button CV generation -- Georgia Tech has also put energy in this area with GTScholar (

      • Paul -- still important at Weill Cornell, and Mike Conlon has written an app for querying a SPARQL endpoint to get the data and then produce a CV and/or biosketch

  • Smithsonian (Alvin). (My phone appears to have died so I will have to save it for next meeting)

  • Stony Brook

  • Symplectic (Alex)

    • Digital Science Workshop Report -- report from 1st DSci workshop at UChicago including panel on Research Networking and Profile Platforms with panelists from VIVO and Profiles RNS communities. Upcoming workshop planned for Cambridge, MA to be announced here.

  • RPI/Deep Carbon Observatory

  • Texas A&M

  • UCLA

  • UCSF

    • congrats on winning the 2014 VIVO Conference Apps & Tools competition!

  • Virginia Tech (Keith)

    • Mostly dealing with Elements; summer intern is wrapping up

    • Would love to come to the Hackathon if travel is authorized

  • Weill Cornell  (Paul at workshop))

    • Updating our source-specific Harvester scripts largely done

    • Eliza working on migration to 1.6 and then 1.7

    • Hope to complete the update September 3 or 5

    • Going to try out Mike Conlon’s biosketch generator soonish


Notable List Traffic

See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads

Call-in Information

  • Date: Every Thursday, no end date
  • Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Meeting Number: 641 825 891
