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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time – convert to your time at



  • Ontology Working Group: next call is Thursday, May 29 ? at noon EDT

    • Agenda to be determined -- look for an announcement

    • Just got off this week’s call -- notes at

  • Apps & Tools Working Group: next call is May 27 ? at 1pm EDT

    • Updates on Ontology Working Group Meeting from 5/15

      • Fundref Q&A

    • Updates from W3C data set working group from 5/19Agenda to be determined -- look for an announcement

  • Information, Interaction, and Influence  (May 19-20 at University at University of Chicago)

    • Digital Science Workshop

    on Research
    • on Research Information Technologies and their Role in Advancing Science (free registration for academics)

    • VIVO community members Kristi Holmes and Simon Porter are scheduled to speak

    , and project
    • . Project director Layne Johnson will be attending as will Paul Albert, Alex Viggio, and Bill Barnett

  • ORCID Outreach Meeting and Codefest


    (May 21-22

    at University

    at University of Illinois at Chicago)

    • Community sharing of integration best practices by universities and professional societies, particularly highlighting the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation-funded Adoption and Integration Program projects

    • There will be poster on integration of ORCID creation and confirmation in VIVO 1.7

  • VIVO Bootcamp at ELAG 2014

  • Participation is free but you must register before May 14 – webinar options to be made available if you cannot attend in person
  • VIVO Bootcamp at ELAG 2014  (June 10 at University of Bath, United Kingdom)

    • Violeta Ilik from Texas A&M (workshop co-organizer) and Ted Lawless from Brown will be attending -- final planning call next week.

  • VIVO Technical Roadmap presentation presentation from March DuraSpace Sponsor Summit meeting now posted to this wiki

Upcoming Activities 

Working Group Activities 

  • VIVO 1.7 development -- includes upgrades to several libraries, in part to facilitate longer-term theme of improving VIVO performance as data scales

    • VIVO 1.8 will then be targeted for late fall as part of moving to a predictable release schedule.  The VIVO working groups will be looking for input from the community in many forms, including how to lower barriers to participation in developing code, submitting ontology extensions, fixing bugs, adding documentation, providing testing, and helping with training

  • Next themed weekly call topic – May 22nd: VIVO 1.7 Release

    • Discuss features completed, and some pending tasks related to performance, sAPI improvements, Semantic Web library upgrades, Solr upgrade, bug fixes.

  • First annual survey of VIVO sites

    • The survey:

  • Next themed weekly call topic – May 22nd: Performance Part 2 or VIVO 1.7?


  • Brown

  • Cornell

  • Duke

  • Florida

  • Memorial University

  • Scripps

  • Smithsonian

  • Stony Brook

  • Symplectic

  • RPI

  • UCSF

  • Virginia Tech

  • Weill Cornell

Notable list traffic 

  • TBD

See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads

  • VIVO Performance Troubleshooting activity: volunteers?

  • VIVO End User Documentation activity: volunteers?

Site Updates

  • Brown gave a demo on the May 14 Apps & Tools call of their new editing tool that works outside of VIVO and pushes data in via the 1.6 web services API

  • Cornell (Jim, Brian, Huda, Jon)

    • Migrating to 1.6.1 as a 3-tier build -- the database has been migrated and we are double-checking display issues

    • planning for the modestly-scoped VIVO 1.7 release -- code freezed planned for May 31

  • Duke (Patrick and Sheri)

    • We’ve updated Vivo Widgets to include artistic works, and also have a pending feature to retrieve data by date.

      • An application written in Scala so it can run on the JVM -- allows anyone to go in from a VIVO page to ask for JavaScript to paste into another web page that would bring desired information in several flavors to another website

        • a list of publications, grants, etc

        • can also get JSON or JSONP

        • all backed by a Solr index so returns more quickly than a SPARQL endpoint

          • the same Solr as VIVO? no, a 2nd solr index that gets refreshed each night

        • have an API to generate JSON (or JSONp?) -- useful to downstream consumers as an alternative to SPARQL endpoint

      • Can push out to GitHub if folks are interested

      • Duke artistic works are are VIVO 1.5 ontology extensions?) -- ontology changes are on GitHub at 

    • We’re also working on a feature that provides for the entry of non-faculty profiles -- part of replacing legacy faculty reporting tools -- have to find the appropriate institutional sources of data  

  • DuraSpace (Layne, the new VIVO Project Director)

    • Appreciates hearing the updates -- has heard some information previously but happy to get the additional detail

    • Started 2 weeks ago and working on foundational pieces including refining the VIVO Charter, which will be shared with current sponsors and potential new members.  Launching the 2014 membership campaign at the end of this month.

    • Meeting with individual working group leads -- impressed by openness, inclusivity, and collaboration and the willingness to raise issues important to the community and to making plans going forward

    • Enjoying the work so far -- and looks forward to meeting as many people as possible at the Conference or at other venues

    • Came to VIVO from time in the research networking world -- and has been to 4 of the VIVO conferences in connection with supporting Harvard Profiles at the University of Minnesota

    • Jon: +1 vote for 2015  VIVO Conference in Minneapolis/St. Paul -- not too hot, no hurricanes or earthquakes! +2 from Tammy

    • contact him at ljohnson at -- would love to hear more about VIVO implementations

  • Florida (Chris)

    • Grants went into production this week. We now have (22,148) grants in VIVO with

      • Start and End dates

      • total dollars

      • funding org (grantAwardedBy)

      • SubContracted By

      • Joint Contributors on grant ( yeah!!!)

    • wants to create a visualization

    • Original NIH Grant =

  • VIVO at FGV (, (Alexandre R., IBM/Brazil and FGV)

    • lack of resource (people). Tech group: 1 intern and me. Anyone available for working remotely in a project and be paid for that?

      • DuraSpace is setting up a service supplier registry for individuals as well as companies -- look for an announcement at the Conference

    • using AWS infrastructure, m1.large instance (ideas?)

      • ChrisB had shared some UF docs with AlexV -- will loop you into this discussion and share these

    • workflow for data ingest is reasonable ok now:

      • From a list of researchers in VIVO kb-2 ->  CV Lattes + Dspace -> deduplication + normalization -> data ingest into VIVO via API in different jena model (graph).

      • have to work in a more incremental approach (update data instead of remove everything to insert new data)

    • now we are refining the list of researchers (manually editing in the VIVO instance, kb-2 jena model)

    • really interested in using Allegro Graph as external triple store with reasoning on the Allegro side. Last try I got some errors. Hope to test again in the next weeks. How to change from the internal to external triple store? Any advice?

      • Would like to put reasoning on the AllegroGraph side -- very fast there

        • this would mean turning off the reasoning in VIVO

      • Brian -- there is a way to turn off reasoning in VIVO, but might have some minor consequences

        • But the front end display in VIVO depends on the vitro:MostSpecificType that the native VIVO simple reasoner provides and external reasoners may not provide that

        • to disable VIVO’s simple reasoner, comment out one of the startup listeners

          • edit WEB-INF/resources/startup_listeners.txt

          • comment out edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.servlet.setup.SimpleReasonerSetup

          • restart Tomcat

      • Changing to a different triple store is explained in the main installation instructions

  • IFPRI -- International Food Policy Research Institute (Cristina)

    • Focusing on a smaller set of data to get the demo to a point of sharing, hopefully soon!

    • will address author disambiguation a bit later

    • IFPRI works with the U.N. FAO on some projects, but is part of the CGIAR consortium

  • Memorial University (Max)  -

    • Meet the manager of information department of CNA , to discuss the next steps in implementing VIVO at the College.

    • Two design concepts for Yaffle have been tested, and waiting for another one.  Working on changes in the ontology to align with vivo 1.6 isf.

    • Will test the map data for the province,and a map of projects and ideas will be on the website’s front page.

  • Smithsonian (Alvin) - Weighing options for ingesting data: Direct insert to MySql db or some kind of RDF import; Tried the Harvester via the Admin panel but the configuration did not work.

  • Stony Brook (Tammy) - We are busy gathering data for the VIVO Stony Brook Medicine.  We should have access to photos within two weeks.

  • Symplectic (Alex)

    • In the next few weeks will be starting to do upgrades to the Harvester extension that Symplectic uses -- will be wanting to update to 1.6/1.7

      • Alex -- would like to be in touch with Joe McEnerney at Cornell on the path from SE to VIVO 1.6 (not using the Harvester)

  • RPI (Patrick)

    • integrating VIVO/Drupal/CKAN

    • Running into some query optimization issues. Property chaining isn’t working, not seeing full SPARQL 1.1 compliance, and queries are taking up to 10-15 seconds to complete that are relatively simple

      • what version of sesame is being used? Brian: is this about the SPARQL endpoint in VIVO -- are some Sesame JAR files in VIVO used for other purposes, but it’s Jena’s ARQ library that is driving the SPARQL endpoint within VIVO

        • Look for that library version number

      • Brian -- we have a slightly outdated version of the ARQ library (part of the Jena libraries) -- but surprised if doesn’t do full SPARQL 1.1 now

        • with 1.7 will be upgraded to the latest Jena libraries

    • would love to have a meeting about the editing UI

    • Looking at using an external store, such as virtuoso or fuseki with tdb instead of sdb.

    • started participating in the ontology calls, and will start participating in the apps and tools call

    • Forgot to mention that we have the go-ahead to start using VIVO for RPI campus-wide in addition to our work with Deep Carbon Observatory. So will start on

    • And Peter Fox from RPI will be giving an invited talk at the VIVO conference this summer.

  • Texas A&M (Violeta)

    • Still working in starting a Symplectic implementation and will be moving the data into VIVO following that

    • Will have VIVO developers starting soon to pull in other data -- grants, etc.

    • Because of the Symplectic connector are looking at 1.5.1, but will examine possibility to transform this to VIVO 1.6.1

  • Virginia Tech (Keith)

    • working on Symplectic Elements install, hoping to have data for VIVO by early June

  • Weill Cornell (Paul not able to attend)

Notable List Traffic

See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads 

Call-in Information

  • Date: Every Thursday, no end date
  • Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Meeting Number: 641 825 891
