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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time (GMT–4 in daylight savings, GMT-5 standard time) – convert to your time at

View and edit this page permanently at, or use the temporal Google Doc for collaborative note taking during the call.

VIVO is hiring!

DuraSpace is seeking a dynamic and entrepreneurial Project Director for the open source VIVO project (, a world-wide community focused on creating software tools, ontologies, and services. The VIVO Project Director will have the opportunity to play a major role in a collaborative movement that will shape the future of research.

See full posting – applications are still being accepted -- the sooner the better. Note that there is no requirement to be a U.S. citizen.

Release update

Current blocker issues

Join the release test mailing list if you wish to be informed of release candidates, plus the final distribution -- and we’d love to have help testing -- subscribe here:

Apps and Tools Group

Notes from October 8 meeting led by Stephen Williams, discussing Vagrant,, the 3-tier build for VIVO, and Github post receive hooks.

Next call is October 22 – look for an announcement from Chris Barnes with the time and connection info.

Upcoming Events 

  • 2nd Annual CASRAI International Conference, October 16-18 in Ottawa
    • Conference streams: Reconnect Big Data, Reconnect the Library, and Reconnect the Machine
    • Jon C-R will be presenting present on VIVO, along with Memorial University
    • Memorial University will present their recent work –  "An innovative university-community connecting tool, Yaffle, is being rebuilt using the VIVO framework allowing it to interoperate with other VIVO sites and platforms using the VIVO ontology for search and/or data integration across multiple institutions and university-public intersections. 
  • 1st Annual UCosmic Conference, October 31 in New York


  • Brown

  • Colorado

  • Cornell

  • Duke

  • EPA (likely on Shutdown)

  • Florida

  • RPI

  • Stony Brook

  • Weill Cornell

  • any others

Notable list traffic

See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads

PubMed Harvester doesn't like particular records (Lynda, Andy)

  • The Harvester is essentially unusable with PubMedFetch, due to bugs in code from NIH.  Some records in PubMed have data which is not correctly handled by the NIH code. It's possible to work around these bugs by using PubMedHTTPFetch in stead of PubMedFetch.  However, you need to URL-encode your search request if using the HTTP version.
ExternalAuthId and named graphs – fixed by Jim and tested by Ted VIVO-305 - Matching property should work if the triple is in a named graph (not just kb-2) - RESOLVED
VIVO and TDB (Michel, Ted, JohnF) – have VIVO working with a TDB database, instead of SDB (so a relational database back end store is no longer needed)
  • Ted: Fuseki 1.0 was released last week and I was able to get that to connect to an instance of VIVO 1.5 using the same endpoints you specified:

  • Michel: I now want to write a java program with Jena, where I insert data into the TDB. I want to use the Jena api, with model.createResource and resource.addProperty and so on.
  • Ted: I use Python and RDFLib [1] for VIVO data loading. RDFLib, as of version 4, supports SPARQL 1.1 so you could use that to write directly to Fuseki
    • As for learning about the VIVO ontology, one technique that I've heard recommended and find useful is to use the VIVO admin to create resources that you want to load (FacultyMember, Book, etc) and then inspect the RDF that is generated to see how the data is modeled. VIVO will serve Turtle for a resource (e.g. n1234) by pointing your browser at http://localhost:8080/vivo/rdf/n1234/n1234.ttl.
  • JohnF: Specifically, take a look at the org.vivoweb.harvester.utilrepo.JenaConnect class. It's an abstract class that is extended by SDBJenaConnect and TDBJenaConnect. It should give you a good idea what you'll need to do to insert RDF into VIVO using the Jena API.
Finding grants via investigator name (Michaeleen) – having an investigator relationship with a grant is not sufficient to make the grant show up in the results for a search on person name.  VIVO-321 - Search on person name doesn't find grants on which he/she is investigator - OPEN
    • Deep discount for VIVO community members
  • VivoCamp pre-conference at SWIB13 conference, November 25-27 in Hamburg 
    • short presentations and demos on a number of topics by a couple of experienced people, followed by discussion, Q&A, panels etc.
    • Organized by Valeria Pesce, Lambert Heller, and Lukas Koster
    • John Fereira from the U.S. will be attending


  • Brown (Ted)

    • waiting for a public rollout date to be set.  Hopefully prior to Jan 1, 2014

    • CV data has arrived for hospital affiliated faculty.  Reviewing that and prioritizing what should go into VIVO first -- things like licensing and credentials

  • Colorado (Stephen and Alex)

    • Debugging an issue related to Solr searches -- may need some features added to VIVO deployments to keep Solr from using the 8080 port that Tomcat uses and working off port 80 instead -- have to include the port to connect to Solr. May be an issue with Apache rewrites?

      • Richard -- we at Duke do run Solr on a separate VM from what VIVO is on -- were able to configure it through the file and had to have the correct files on the Solr server -- can share that part of the file

    • Does anyone have a heartbeat monitor for Solr to detect a corrupt Solr index?

  • Lab for Atmospheric and Space Physics at Colorado (Don Elsborg)

    • We have a standalone Angular app that polls a Fuseki endpoint which resides on our database server. Data is returned in JSON. We¹ve found the performance to work very well this way.  VIVO remains largely behind the scenes, with a set of JavaScript apps providing front end services.

    • Currently we just developed an Angular relationship assignment page which relates people with skills. The post currently calls the harvester to ingest. We¹d like to speed this up but we¹re waiting to see what happens with VIVO 1.6 and the potential REST interface before we invest much time into Java Jena calls or wrestling with updates in the latest Fuseki endpoint.

    • We have other reports using the Google API that work very well for our needs.

    • Near term I envision doing more work with Angular and perhaps D3 to create new methods for updating relationships between various items. This would be used more for an editorial type of interface with small amounts of updates so we won¹t wreak havoc with the inference engine.

    • The nice thing about the relationship assignment page we made is that we can easily extend it to created triples between most subjects and objects.

    • Our skills view has just been demo’d to our institution and it seems there’s a lot of enthusiasm for it. So we¹re about to define our next 2 week sprint and release the initial skills website to our institution.

    • Could do a short demo as screenshare in the near future.

  • Cornell (Jon, Jim, BrianL, Tim et al.) 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 …

    • Also updating our HR ingest as a result of Cornell shifting from PeopleSoft to Workday, with a quite different alignment of organization units

  • Duke (Richard, Patrick and Sheri)

    • Providing a way to allow faculty to remove the sparkline from profile.

    • Have some more rollouts in the works, working college by college.  So far VIVO is successfully pushing cleanup in source systems of record, as for example cleaning up working titles in upstream systems -- have strong Provost backing to do that

    • Happy with Julia’s support page and their custom “edit mode” that links to other data sources external to VIVO’s edit functionality, like faculty titles.

  • Florida (Nicholas) - Have some personnel changes coming up so are documenting server configuration, etc., and debugging person ingest code.  

  • Memorial (Max and John) Working with the Knowledge Mobilization Ontology and playing around with the UI -- does anyone else have experience re-using and exporting data to populate other web pages. Have looked at Miles Worthington’s RDF api

    • John Fereira’s semantic services

    • Google linked data api -- implemented in Elda (java) and also in PHP

    • JSON-LD has a number of implementations in different languages

    • Looking to test 1.6 since don’t yet have a production instance

  • RPI (Patrick)

    • Have “direct deposit” working, being able to upload files in VIVO, have it deposited automatically in CKAN with the assignment of a DCO-ID, add the appropriate properties into VIVO.

      • can do a demo on a future call -- also the Drupal module below

    • Also, we have a Drupal module that allows us to specify a SPARQL query and an XSL translation to use to query the VIVO sparql endpoint and display the information inside of a Drupal page. We’re also working on modularizing the module so that it can also be used in a simple web page, or in MediaWiki pages, or Confluence, etc, etc...

    • Having issues with cloning a VIVO site onto a test server, connection to solr was the initial problem. This is on a virtual server. Logged in, we go to Site Admin, click on class hierarchy, then Add New Class, and get a stack trace “HTTP Status 500 - org.apache.jasper.JasperException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.IllegalStateException“. The vivo.all.log file says “2013-10-10 13:08:39,012 ERROR [VclassRetryController] VclassRetryController could not forward to view.” (

  • Scripps (Michaeleen) -- would like to post the local ontology extensions to the wiki (Jon will set up a page).  Will be continuing to add articles and update grants, but will be waiting for new funding to update ingest scripts from 1.5 to 1.6.

  • UCSF (Eric) -- Followed up with Scripps about the ontology extensions for representing NIH grants (grabbing extra data about annual updates) - will hope to add that to the Profiles product.

    • And starting to work on UI things in Profiles so can link to the profiles of authors at other institutions, using the service Griffin Weber has developed at Harvard for disambiguating authors centrally out of either Recombinant or Harvard. Anyone would be welcome to use the service.

    • UCSF hopes to jumpstart by hosting USC and UCSD Profiles and starting cross-linking of authors among their 3 institutions

  • Virginia Tech (Curtis) Just received a notice that the server (a virtual server running CentOS = open source fork of RedHat Enterprise Linux) is ready to start loading the software -- hopefully will have news from that next time.

  • Weill Cornell (Paul and Eliza)

    • Custom styling of publications -- modifying the SPARQL query to see the authors as well on a person’s profile page, plus Freemarker scripting to order the authors according to their ranking

      • (see also vivo-dev-all message from Stella)

    • Working to understand why PubMed is not happy with DOI-based queries.

    • Still working on a way to offer users the ability to sort publications by journal name, date, publication type, etc. as they wish 

      • Short demo next Thursday during weekly call

  • any others?

Notable list traffic

See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads

How do you create a list of authors for publications on individual researchers' profiles? (Paul, Stella)

  • Look for a demo from Eliza next week

Uploading image when editing a property of an individual (Yu, Huda, JohnE, PatrickW, BrianC) 

  • Adds a file to CKAN and brings back properties to add to VIVO

  • Will be having a WebEx call between the RPI grad students and Cornell developers to discuss various ways that this could be accomplished


Is there a way to limit the number of labels for an individual, on editing in ingest


  • Paul asked about support for multiple labels -- Jon mentioned that in 1.5 (?) the additional labels aren’t overwritten/lost as required by multi-language support, but only the first label is displayed -- VIVO editor ability to see multiple labels and to choose the one that is displayed (1.5 or 1.6?)

  • Would it be arbitrary to limit what can be done with a given predicate, when the RDF standard does not impose that constraint?

  • Ted -- a SPARQL query added to your ingest process could detect multiple labels, or could be run against the existing data. With 1.5 the VIVO application does alert a logged-in user when multiple labels exist and allows them to select the one to keep

  • Alex -- could this be a “best practice” (or “good practice”) topic for a wiki page?

  • Nicholas has added a nightly check at UF for duplicate labels

  • Nicholas at UF was just running that “report” today

Call-in Information


  • Date: Every Thursday, no end date
  • Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Meeting Number: 641 825 891

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