Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Jim Blake will be leading this week's call.

Where in the world is Jon Corson-Rikert?

Jon, Stella and Brian Lowe are in Montreal at the CASRAI conference:


  • Brown
  • Colorado
  • Cornell
  • Duke
  • EPA
    • Test is up, working on doing production. One issue is trying to make LDAP work.
  • NYU
    • What is that status of EagleEye? Eric Meeks says that there are recent calls, and some experiments, but nobody has an authoritative answer. UCSF is running both, but they are essentially separate systems. UCSF is looking to tie them together at a top-level entry page, and coordinated searches. NYU would like some sort of unified search also.
  • Penn
    • Approaching on-line readiness with School of Medicine. Maybe after the first of the year.
  • UCSF
    • They are exploring new RDF-to-JSON tools, using the JSON-LD standard and tools.
  • Weill - Thanks to Stella for SPARQL queries to identify orphan data. Still working to complete all the queries.

A little surprised to get zero results for this query:

Result: 0

No Format

    (count (distinct ?o) as ?count)
where {
    graph &lt;http<;2>  {
        ?s vivo:authorInAuthorship ?o .
        filter (not exists { ?o ?p2 ?o2})

Update on VIVO 1.5.1

Release Candidate 1 was announced on October 9. So far, no problems have been reported.

Moving to Git/GitHub, Converting the Wiki

We plan to convert the Vitro and VIVO repositories from Subversion to Git, and store them on GitHub. This will likely occur within a week or two of release 1.5.1


More details on the developer's list, as they become available.

Notable Development List Traffic

  • Access forbidden to Solr admin
  • How to change root user - resolved
  • Order of 2nd-level menus - resolved
  • Shareable NSF award transformation? - no response
  • Internet Explorer 7 has problems with visualizations
  • Apache configuration: alias and paths - no response
  • Failed to rebuild search index - no response

Open Discussion

  • Eric Meeks want to know how to determine where to put things in the ontology. Examples are patents, clinical trials. Recommending the ontology list and the ontology call, so their questions are known to the whole group.

    Call-in Information

Topic: VIVO weekly developer call


Meeting Number: 645 873 290

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