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Regrets:Anna GuillaumetWashington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho SegundoRobert CartolanoDamaris MurryDragan Ivanovic



Times: 10 AM central, 11 AM Eastern, 17:00 Europe


        3. Agenda structure for future VIVO LG meetings(?) – (10 minutes)

      • Possible 15-minute mini-presentations by each LG member on challenges / successes with VIVO. (To help inform future tactical decision making by LG) (10 minutes)


           5.  Possible future VIVO LG grant team formations (5 minutes)

            6. Preferences for future LG communications? (email; SLACK, other?) (5 minutes)




Welcome – All

Agenda Additions; Follow Ups / Lyrasis Reports, etc. (10 minutes)

  • Additions to agenda?
  • LG Officer Secretary position - not filled – rotating note/minutes takers needed (3 minutes)
    • Will rotate responsibilities.
  • Lyrasis update (Laurie, 5 mins)
    • Laurie - her role is evolving at Lyrasis. New hiring underway for position to work with LG and other OS communities. Interviews and presentations scheduled. We will be invited to attend. 
    • 2025 Lyrasis budget process starting. Ideally by end of March, possibly April - finalized. LG portion must be presented / approved by LG well before FY end.
  • Annual Report, update (Bruce, 2 minutes)

Discussion Items (50 mins)

  1. Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information – possible signing by VIVO LG (Christian) (10 minutes) 
    1. Discussion about VIVO LG possibly signing on as supporter in near future. More information will be forthcoming. LG needs more information and time to review / consider.
    2. Our supporting would not mean concomitant support for our respective universities.  
    3. Ultimately would need to define / clarify what LG support looks like.

       2. Catalyst Fund Grant proposal submitted – effort to fund survey to help with future VIVO-in-a-Box development; market assessments to grow VIVO use; future grant proposals, etc.? (10 minutes)

    • Catalyst Fund Grant submitted by deadline (for a survey that polls the VIVO stakeholders and users and work collaboratively to develop 45 questions to further define VIVO-in-a-Box features, etc.) Would poll Lyrasis client organizations and perhaps others.
    • University of Florida is hosting the survey, and it is possible to create extensible branches to bring in other respondents.

        3. Agenda structure for future VIVO LG meetings(?) – (10 minutes)

      • Possible 15-minute mini-presentations by each LG member on challenges / successes with VIVO. (To help inform future tactical decision making by LG) (10 minutes)
        • Proposal to revise future agendas to include time allotted for discussion of pressing issues, pain points, stories, etc. impacting our respective VIVO users so we can play a role in making tactical decisions that benefit others and retain stakeholders (give them some more value).
        • Possible use of future consent agenda (to free up more LG time for tactical decision discussions and changes. Will have to decide what constitutes.
        • Everyone asked to offer 15 minutes of updates in future meetings.  Ana Guillaumet (SIGMA) volunteered to go first next meeting.

           4. Developer input - Dragan, Brian, others (10 minutes)

      • Challenges? Ways LG might/should help in future?
      • Possible listing of development needs / targets needing $ support or more developer hours?
        • Brian Lowe (Dragan out) - Recent years Dragan has been most active developer, with others contributing.  We need to find a way to expand developer team/efforts.  Must strive toward getting the Development API tested/adopted more widely to get it into a usable state. Continue previous talks on dynamic API but it still needs more development. It is the lynchpin for things that have been stated as priorities (new UI, better APIs for data, etc). 
        • Yurgi - hired to do VIVO work supporting Christian's team.  Uses about 50% of position (20hrs a week) to that effort.

          Brian offered more details on the dynamic API concept. 

          Example for a swagger API based on dynamic API:

          It's for, a Vitro. Discussion on updating configurations rather than customizing codes.

          Need good documentation and examples so people can build configurations in an easy way and put the concepts into practice.  If anyone has code reviewers, please share that info.

           5.  Possible future VIVO LG grant team formations (5 minutes)

        • Can we find money to help leapfrog some projects?  Bryan Cooper (Chair) willing to help chase funding.  Perhaps North American foundation or grant funding to help.
        • Laurie connected Christian to a Lyrasis grant funding person.  Educational conversation.
        • Any/All should share any VIVO pain points so they can perhaps be included or addressed in any future grants or funding. 

           6. Preferences for future LG communications? (email; SLACK, other?) (5 minutes)

Do we have any communication preferences as a leadership group?  Email, Slack, etc. We have an established google drive for sharing documents, etc. Also the wiki:

Example from Christian: He created a new meeting overview for the Ontology meetings, which he is very happy with: It gives a good overview About what happened and what will happen.