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(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Dragan Ivanovic 
  2. Brian Lowe 
  3. Michel Héon 
  4. Ivan Mrsulja  (star)
  5. Miloš Popović (star) 
  6. William Welling 
  7. Washington Luís R. de Carvalho Segundo
  8. David
  9. Michael Bentz
  10. Deborah Dias
  11. Ksihitij Sinha


  1. Nick Veenstra
  2. Georgy Litvinov 
  3. Benjamin Kampe 




  • Migration from Pure to VIVO

NICK: I’m interested in cost prediction for maintainers of our VIVO platform. Can you help me?

DRAGAN: I know that in Denmark VIVO is used and Pure started development there, it might be that they started with Pure and moved to VIVO but I can’t remember who’s responsible, I will take a look.

NICK: Germans are active with VIVO and I couldn’t find a case when they migrated from Pure.

DRAGAN: Definitely there's a cost with data migration, but for feature development it is really hard to predict. You have to provide a list of features that you would line in VIVO so we can see what needs to be implemented.

NICK: A lot of features from our Pure instance are not used, we will have to research that and draw up a list so we can create feature parity. We should remove ourselves from BigTech and cloud and move to open-source and on-site, VIVO is our best candidate.

DRAGAN: You can talk to Georgy, Benjamin or Michel about the cost of maintaining an on-site VIVO instance. Keep it running and eventually expand it a little.

BENJAMIN: One person should be enough if the person is skilled, the number of additional functionalities also plays a role…

NICK: It is a complicated system to maintain as well, our IT department does not know much about SPARQL and RDF. It would be very hard for them to learn this technology.

MICHEL: I’m alone to install and keep VIVO going. I’m a backend dev, but we will hire 2 more persons to do frontend. I’m a full-time employee on VIVO maintenance. We use serverless VIVO, load balancer and VIVO dataconnect. You need someone that can build this pipeline.

NICK: In Pure, people can curate their research, can people maintain it in VIVO as well and not harvest the data from somewhere?

MICHEL: Not right now, but this is the goal we have. In the future, VIVOs database will be institutional data and will act as a provider.

NICK: Can people in VIVO insert data about their activities, not just harvest their info?


DRAGAN: You can use VIVO for cataloging but it can also be used as a read-only app and have another instance connected to the same DB which is used as an admin instance.

NICK: Can we harvest data from any DB?

DRAGAN: You have some interactive harvesters for a lot of databases but for SCOPUS you don’t have and will have to create it yourself.

WILLIAM: For us, it is significant effort of time and cost to develop required harvesters, VIVO for us is the primary data store and we have a read-only frontend. 

  • M1 mac chip and VIVO

DRAGAN: Milos and Benjamin are struggling with this issue.

MICHEL: I have this problem as well. I can’t even build VIVO.

DRAGAN: Let’s hope that they will resolve that issue, we should create a ticket so that we can discuss it there. We need to try to make it runnable, people use MAC OS a lot.

MILOS: I didn’t explore in depth as well, I will try to find a solution but I’m happy that I am not alone.

MICHEL: We should mention this in documentation, in the known bugs section.

  • ORCID Global participation fund

DRAGAN: It looks that Lyrasis is planning to apply, if they get the funding we will see how they will split the money for technical developments. At the moment it is unclear but in a few months we will know if we got some grant and how we would be able to apply. Deadline for application for Lyrasis is 3rd November, we should be able to apply next spring.

  • Responsive wilma theme

DRAGAN: There are some comments in PR. Milos will respond soon. Test it if you have time it will be appreciated, especially on Chrome. We will see what we will do with the other themes after that, probably we will move the development to community. Do you know if we should add something to the Wilma theme?

  • VuFind and VIVO interoperability

DRAGAN: Jafet is interested in this and is back into the community. It would be nice if he described the problem precisely and then someone would be able to help him hopefully.

DRAGAN: I have opened this Slack channel where interested parties can communicate. If there is no activity we will delete the channel.

DRAGAN: Paper deadline is close, if you want to publish something here is your remainder.One paper linked with VIVO will be presented there. Organizers will try to organize a VIVO track there but it depends on the number of presentations. I will be for sure in Pamplona, it is exclusively an in-person event. If you have any idea of a presentation I can help you in preparation of it.

Draft notes in Google Docs

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