Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Code Block
ProxyRequests Off

ProxyPreserveHost On

<Proxy \*>

	Order deny,allow

	Allow from all


ProxyPass /fedora/get http://localhost:8080/fedora/get

ProxyPassReverse /fedora/get http://localhost:8080/fedora/get

ProxyPass /fedora/services http://localhost:8080/fedora/services

ProxyPassReverse /fedora/services http://localhost:8080/fedora/services

ProxyPass /islandora httpfedora/describe http://localhost:8080/fedora/islandora
ProxyPassReverse /fedora/islandora httpdescribe http://localhost:8080/islandoradescribe 

ProxyPass /iiv http://localhost:8080/iiv

ProxyPassReverse /iiv http://localhost:8080/iiv

ProxyPass /fedora/risearch http://localhost:8080/fedora/risearch

ProxyPassReverse /fedora/risearch http://localhost:8080/fedora/risearch

ProxyPass /adore-djatoka http://localhost:8080/adore-djatoka

ProxyPassReverse /adore-djatoka http://localhost:8080/adore-djatoka


4. Restart Fedora and test the Djatoka application by going to: http://\[fedora-server\]:8080/adore-djatoka

To test your installation, click the 'Update Image' button. If you do not see part of an image from the Library of Congress there is a problem with your Djatoka installation. Go back and review the installation instructions to make sure that they were followed correctly.


Though not required, it is a good idea to set the path for Djatoka log files. You can do this by adding a line to the file. For example:


Accommodating Viewing Restrictions


The Islandora Viewer is a JAVA application served up by TomCat, which enables the viewing of web-based images and pdf's pdf’s as a virtual document. Required by the Large Image Solution Pack, Newspaper Solution Pack, Book Solution Pack, Newspaper Solution Pack. The viewer provides zoom, scrolling and pagination capabilities.


  • Djatoka includes Kakadu executable files. If Drupal and Fedora are on the same server you should be able to copy or symlink kdu_compress to somewhere on the Apache users classpath.

SWF Tools

This suite of Drupal modules is used primarily by the Audio Solution Pack. You can download if from the Drupal project page.


SWF Tools version 6.x-3.0-beta5 or higher is required.

JW Player is included in this package, but you need to download and install the library separately. You can get the latest JW Player library here.

  1. Install to /sites/all/libraries/mediaplayer-x.x (the name of the directory will depend on the version you install). 
  2. Create a symlink to this directory in sites/all/modules called mediaplayer4

Finally, enable the following SWF Tools modules:

  • SWF Tools
  • JW Media Player 4
  • SWF Object 2
  • SWF Tools API


Tesseract is an OCR engine that was developed at HP Labs between 1985 and 1995 - it is currently being developed at Google. Recognized as one of the most accurate open source OCR engines available, Tesseract will read binary, grey, or colour images and output text. A TIFF reader that will read uncompressed TIFF images is also included.

Islandora currently uses Tesseract version 3.0, which can be obtained from the project home page. Installation will differ depending on your operating system; please see the ReadMe wiki for detailed instructions.


Automatic page orientation detection was added in Tesseract 3.01. For more information, see the Tesseract Project Home.