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Comment: paste notes / update attendees


  1. Dragan Ivanovic 
  2. Georgy Litvinov 
  3. Brian Lowe (star)
  4. Benjamin Kampe Mark Vanin 
  5. William Welling
  6. Michel Héon 
  7. Huda Khan              
  8. salmVeljko Maksimovic 


  1. Questions/Issues/Pull requests/Announcements
    1. We are back in a weekly meeting mode
    2. VIVO conference - probably postponed for a couple of months (spring 2023)
    3. VIVO development fund -
    4. i18n issue with ordering and filtering by the first letter 
    5. Dynamic API
      1. reengineering of io -
      2. SHACL based validation -
    6. NORA and Research Portal Denmark -   
    7. Rename googleAnalytics.ftl to webAnalytics.ftl -
  2. VIVO development fund -
  3. DSpace-VIVO integration further steps -
  4. The next sprint
    1. When?
      1. 19.09. - 07.10. 
    2. What?
      1. Improvement of expressiveness of notation
        • Iterative steps
        • Operation data / DataStore - should be ready before sprint 
      2. Improvement of UI
      3. Completion of authorization and authentication 
      4. Extension of SHACL rules
      5. Editor for definition of a dynamic action
      6. VIVO based on dynamic actions
    3. Who?


  1. Questions/Issues/Pull requests/Announcements
    1. Talk of trying to merge with Open Repositories or Expert Finder Systems
      • Reviewed by Dragan and Matthias; should be able to be merged.
      • William: What are the semantics of the next release?  Is it a patch release?
      • Georgy: this PR is a bugfix.  Existing multilingual sites will experience improper sorting without it.
      • Dragan: bugfix is important; has been reported multiple times.  Something the community is looking for.
      • Georgy:  Fix is backwards compatible.  User doesn’t need to change anything.
      • Dragan:  Traditionally haven’t had patch releases; have moved forward with a new minor release.  I can prepare release(s).  Testing is always the hardest part.  Do we have testing capacity?
      • Need to make a new release of vivo-solr.
      • Managing vivo-solr changes and/or reorganizing should be discussed during committers’ meeting.
    1. reengineering of io -
    2. SHACL based validation -
      • Need review/merging.
    1. Brian:  Potential for existing sites to have problems if googleAnalytics.ftl is no longer included; sites using third tiers probably overlay this file and if they don’t rename appropriately, might lose analytics.  Maybe we could conditionally include googleAnalytics.ftl if found; not sure if Freemarker allows this.
    2. Dragan:  Potentially not a big enough benefit to worry about if there’s a risk of problems for existing sites.  Will discuss more with Christian.
    1. We are back in a weekly meeting mode
    2. VIVO conference - probably postponed for a couple of months (spring 2023)
    3. i18n issue with ordering and filtering by the first letter
    4. Dynamic API
    5. NORA and Research Portal Denmark -   
    6. Rename googleAnalytics.ftl to webAnalytics.ftl -
  2. VIVO development fund -
    • Dragan: important items, but need to be attractive to potential donors.
    • Dragan: Some topics are already included under the adoption/customization heading.
    1. New contribution option separate from membership.
    2. Effort to define features in which the community might be interested in investing money. Draft list in linked document. Includes cloud/cross-site scalability, interoperability with other software/data sources, UI.  
    3. Georgy: proposed addition of core maintenance needs
    4. Brian:  Could potentially build in “overhead” type percentage into donations, so that we could allocate some funding for critical core maintenance.  The other features depend on this, and shouldn’t seem like a foreign concept to donors.
    5. Dragan:  Could be added to another part of the development fund proposal.  Also the question of whether people will donate to specific features or make general donations if they are in agreement with the project roadmap.  Maintenance would be built into that roadmap.
    6. Michel: The  need for ingest tools may be greater than that for UI decoupling, for example.
    7. Dragan:  Document will likely be discussed at tomorrow’s (Wednesday’s) Leadership Group meeting. Please comment before then if able.

Draft notes in Google Docs
