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Laurie Gemmill Arp, Robert Miller, Michele Mennielli, Dragan Ivanovic 


Federico Ferrario,


Zoom connection information is available in the Outlook invitation.

Meeting Minutes



for December 2021 VIVO Leadership Group

Announcements (0 mins)

Discussion (50 mins)

  1. Update on our collaboration with EuroCRIS

Anna just finished the committee.  This is the first time that the working group for this committee met.  We started talking about basic decisions, for example, mapping will be bi-directional.  We have a document from 2013 that is being reviewed and updated.  We will meet again on January 12 to continue this discussion.

Dragan – supported what Anna reported.  He is looking forward to continuing this work in the coming year.

Bruce:  We are invited to attend the CRIS2022 Conference, May 12-14, Croatia ( This is a great collaboration, and we are very excited about this initiative.

Julia:  Do you have a sense of the scale of the mapping task?

Dragan:  It is quite a big task, and the first phase is to update the mapping.  This would be a great presentation.  Next step would be to express the mapping in a formal language.  Then we can automate from one source to another.  It will then be possible to easily integrate into the VIVO Platform.  It is quite a big task overall.  However breaking this into phases makes it more manageable.

Anna:  This complexity of CERIF was discussed at our first meeting.  We are doing a conceptual mapping at this point.  It is not necessary to map everything at this point.

Bruce:  It is a complicated issue, and we are going to approach this incrementally.

Anna:  Regarding the CRIS conference, we need to have some papers for the VIVO track.  Perhaps this is something the VIVO Officers can discuss.

  1. Time to start planning the 2022 VIVO Conference (Ann & Anna, 10 mins)

Ann:  I am on the planning committee for Expert Finders Systems (EFS), and they are thinking about an onsite event in October.   Want to make sure VIVO’s event doesn’t conflict.  Are we going for an in-person event this year?  Or virtual?  I think virtual offers more flexibility at this point, but welcome thoughts and feedback. 

Julia:  EFS has deposits on two venues in Florida.  EFS is thinking about an in-person event for these reasons.  It would be harder to arrange an in-person event.  However virtual events are easier to organize and can get better attendance.

Michele:  For the next year, people are still feeling uncomfortable about travel, so recommend a virtual conference again this year.  However we soon need to get back to in-person conferences because of the value that in-person conferences offer – side conversations and such.  However in 2022 I’m not sure we are ready to go in person yet.  Maybe we start planning an in-person event in 2023 in conjunction with another major conference. 

Laurie:  Mic summed it up well.  In person events require so much more planning, and the concern is that they may have to cancel it at the last minute.  Example is Archives Space, planning something in person along with SAA meeting. 

Ann: Pros and cons regarding combining with EFS.  I have anxiety about the EFS program in-person because it is so unpredictable.  Can speakers make it?  Travel questionable as new COVID variants arise.  Watch EFS, and see how we can leverage it, if

Bruce:  If interested in helping on the planning committee, please let me know.

  1. DSpace/VIVO Interoperability Initiative (Laurie/Dragan, 20 mins)

Bruce: 2 goals to build interoperability between VIVO and DSpace.  This improves integration between two products, and it will also enable VIVO to market to the DSpace community.  We’ve started to form a small ad-hoc team to enhance the interoperability between VIVO and DSpace.  We are looking for people to contribute to this effort. 

Laurie:  (shares screen) Pilot Proposal: Integrating DSpace with VIVO

High level goals: potential to ease workflows, enhance impact, and enlarge our community.  We want to pilot a paid development model with some of the limited VIVO resources.  This will afford us incremental progress.  This will also offer another engagement opportunity from the community.

Goals: streamline for academics

Add semantic web aspect to existing DSpace repositories

Add depositing files and monitoring of

2 Phases:  1st phase is doing the funded pilot

Running a new instance of VIVO as a front facade based on an existing DSpace repository

            Migration of metadata from DSpace to VIVO

            Depositing items from VIVO to DSpace

Budget:  $6-10K US Dollars

Cost savings from FY21-22 budget will cover costs

Selection:  a team of 2-3 members, ideally one representative of VIVO Core committers, 1-2 outside of VIVO community (might relate to DSpace community)

Second phase is integrating of an existing instance of VIVO and an existing DSpace repository

            Integration with DSpace workflow for depositing

            Migration of metadata from DSpace to VIVO with existing data


            Customization of mappings with local extensions of VIVO or DSpace model

            Budget should plan for between 10K – 20K US dollars


Apply if interested by January 17th

Frist round of selections/review results – Jan 24

Interviews a needed Feb 1oth

Implementation February 14 – May 14

Review of developed code – May 28th

Code correction – June 21st

Reporting and monitoring – Participation in regular weekly VIVO developer calls

Source code as a pull request at the GitHub repository


Ann and Hannah:  Not certain how valuable this integration is – neither have heard of this request from users before. 

Bruce:  Successful using DSpace as a publishing platform at Texas A&M.

Anna:  Goal to input publications from DSpace to VIVO.  How are you managing publisher requirements, especially with regard to open access? 

Bruce: At Texas A&M, while some faculty were interested in sharing open access via the repository, the library has a role to educate users regarding their rights.  Non-peer reviewed materials was where this really took off.  We had outreach to community, sharing of teaching materials that were not peer reviewed.  Books targeted to church communities another example.  Feedback from these projects was that the ability to easily create the content and manage it, and then the content shows up in VIVO under one’s profile, and this benefits one’s reputation.

Ann: What is being described is from DSpace to VIVO, but the project is describing using VIVO as a publication platform. 

Dragan: We are aiming for a hybrid system between VIVO and DSpace.  Researchers can update their profiles via VIVO or DSpace, whichever is easier for them to update.

Ann: This description now makes sense, but the paper didn’t include this description.                        

Took an onscreen vote, and this initiative was approved for Phase 1.

  1. Discussion of VIVO Leadership Group Composition (Ann, Anna, Christian, Laurie, Michele, 20 Mins)
  • Ad Hoc Group Suggestions:
  • Other strategies: focus on empowering interest groups and task forces.
    • Invite groups to attend Leadership group meetings where they report on progress and issues. Give them a chance to provide guidance to Leadership Group.  Rotate among the different groups.
    • Commission more Ad hoc groups that develop white papers on important topics. We would want these white papers to recommend strategies to move forward.

Bruce reviewed a slide-deck he created to walk through this discussion.  This slide deck will be shared.
