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Paul Albert, Ann BeynonRobert Cartolano, Mike Conlon, Tom Cramer, Anna GuillaumetDoug Hahn, Christian Hauschke,    Anthony Helm, Bruce Herbert , Damaris Murry (star) Terrie Wheeler


Laurie Gemmill Arp, Robert Miller, Sam Mitchell  Dragan Ivanovic Michele Mennielli


Federico Ferrario,Mike Conlon, Tom Cramer

(star) = Secretary

Connection Information

Zoom connection information is available in the Outlook invitation.

Meeting Minutes


  1. ORCID released strategic plan for next 5 years
  2. Call for Proposals, CNI Fall ’21: - Bruce would like to see VIVO submissions, for example the VIVO Knowledge Graph, recent VIVO implementations, etc.
  3. Congratulations – Clarivate announces new VIVO-based RIM Service. Event is “Future of Research Forum” to be held from October 19-21.This event is free, and registration is here:

Ann (in chat):  VIVO/research portals will be highlighted on Day 1 of the event (Oct 19) with a presentation from Florida International Univ.

  1. Elections schedule and progress to date – The Bronze Seat election closed with a tie, and a run-off election must be held.Currently nominations for the Community Member Seat are being accepted, and will close on Friday at midnight.  Form to nominate up to three individuals is here:   See Terrie’s email for more information.  The schedule for 2021-2022 elections is as follows: 

Sept 1 – 10             Nominations for the Bronze representative election

Sept 13 – 22           Elections for the Bronze election

Sept 23-Oct 1         Nominations for the Community Member election

Oct 4 – 13              Elections for the Community Member election 

Oct 14 – 22             Nominations for LG officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary)

Oct 25 - Nov 5        Elections for LG officers

Nov 8 – 16              Orientation, training

Nov 17 or Nov 24   First Leadership Group meeting with new officers and members (depending on whether we want to move up our Nov meeting due to American Thanksgiving – OK with me if we keep it on Nov 24)

  1. Open Source Communities Assessment – Robert Miller advised that Lyrasis has conducted an assessment of the 10 Open Source Communities it sponsors, and asked if we would be interested in learning how VIVO scored, with highlights of how VIVO is unique and leverages its uniqueness.The LG was very interested in this, and it will be shared at an upcoming LG meeting.


  1. New VIVO promotional website

Sam Mitchell, Senior designer at Lyrasis demonstrated the new VIVO website, which is a subdomain of the Lyrasis website.  Sam wanted to be sure to give credit to Anna for the design.


Meeting Minutes


Bruce:  Two things to note about this new website are 1) Sam worked with VIVO Marketing Team –this is a product of that group.  2) This represents a general strategy of IT infrastructure that keeps the community going as people come and go.  If Lyrasis maintains ownership of websites and listservs, then it’s a better transition.  Next steps are to retire the Duraspace site and redirect to this new site after all internal testing is completed.

Many (in chat) note that this site looks great.

Christian: Can the older site be maintained for years?  There is a lot of content there that will be useful in the future.  Can documentation be shared regarding how information to add content to the new site?  

Sam:  Yes, the process for adding content to the new site will be shared.

Laurie:  Is there a target date for going live?

Sam:  We need to do thorough review of content first, as well as other steps with Marketing Group.  We will let leadership know when this site is ready to go live.

Laurie:  thanks Sam for all the work around this.

Bruce:  would be cool to have rotating images.

Sam:  Great idea; let’s try it!

  1. EuroCris Collaboration
    • First Meeting with EuroCris - October 14 first joint meeting between VIVO and EuroCris leaders.  11 representatives from the two leadership groups will attend. Link to document: Please send any comments on this document to Anna before the joint meeting.
    • EuroCris Conference (Croatia) - Will be an in person conference May 12 – 14, 2022 Jointly organized by EuroCris and Croatian Ministry of Science and Education.  Link to conference here:   This can help drive VIVO implementations in Europe.  Anna hopes that this conference should also be streamed, for virtual presentation.  Anna is planning to attend in person, and suggests that we have a dedicated VIVO session.

Bruce:  An amazing opportunity for both EuroCris and VIVO; will make both organizations stronger.

  1. Developers Report.

Dragan:  Technical groups of committers and developer interest groups are in place and active.  Committers are implementers or adopters of VIVO across the world.  Data ingest group also in place, but not currently active.  Hoping they will become active shortly.  Tried to reach out to each implementation of VIVO to encourage development and capacity.  Asked people in this group for contacts and ideas.  Last week had 12 people on the developers interest group call.  This is good news to see more interest in this group. (up from last month’s attendance of 6).  The larger this group becomes, the better for discussion and later for potential implementation.  Started a discussion about further development priorities.  Listed new features that would be quick wins for the VIVO Community, plus more long term goals that are more complex in nature.  In the next month or two we will discuss VIVO priorities (see link to priorities document).

For implementation need to estimate interest and time for implementation.  People should vote on what features they are most interested in.  Then we need to determine if we have capacity to develop these new features.  Until the end of the year we will work on planning and roadmap.  Then will start implementation in January, 2022.  Hopefully we will have some phases completed in 2022, it will depend on our resources.  We may be able to migrate issues from JIRA to GitHub.  Planning this migration.  The benefit of JIRA is that it is easier to use, but mostly technical people submit tickets for issues, so GitHub should be easy for these technical folks to use.  Considering GitHub as a final solution.  David Wilcox noticed that there is language in the license regarding Cornell University.  We should explore if the license can be transferred to Lyrasis.

Laurie – Does Cornell want to maintain this copyright or not?  We could share other sample license statements. 

Paul – I am confident that Mike Conlon knows the answer to this. 

Terrie – Paul and I can reach out to both Mike and to Dean Krafft to explore this further. 

Paul – We have this habit of not responding to questions. I just want to say that you’ve done a fine job thus far, Dragan. Thanks for the leadership and efforts you have taken in getting VIVO development moving forward. 

Dragan – I have found a couple of students who are interested in VIVO development, but we need to give them small manageable tasks.  We really need to have clear goals for these students. 

Laurie – Dragan has made tremendous progress with VIVO in the short time he was here.  VIVO-in-a-box, current status of VIVO core, future development to make the product easier and simpler. 

Bruce – I encourage the leadership to dig into documents that Dragan has provided, and provide constructive feedback.  We really need to hear everyone’s voices.

Many compliments (in chat) to Dragan for his excellent work thus far, and his plans for the future. 

  1. Ideas to Improve Engagement with the Community (ran out of time; tabled until next meeting)
    • Christian, Anna and Laurie, Ann Beynon – Representation of VIVO Community on Leadership Group report on ad hoc task force - Christian & Ann

Recommendation: Limit of only one member per institution. There should be only one person from each institution in the LG. This ensures that a variety of positions and perspectives are represented in the LG, which on the one hand helps to bind the persons and institutions represented and on the other hand allows broader insights into the demands and wishes of the VIVO community. Pending LG approval, this will go into effect in the next voting cycle (2022).

  • VIVO Community as a Community of Practice (ran out of time; tabled until next meeting)
    • Strategies/practices to increase engagement and meaningful participation
    • Invite committees/task forces to speak at Leadership Group meeting
    • Commissioned white papers that review issues and provide recommended strategies
    • Increase communications – visions documents, town halls

Adjourned at 12:00 noon – Eastern Time