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Attendees:  Huda, Jason, Steven, Lynette, Simeon

Regrets: Tim, Greg

Actions from 2020-08-14 Cornell LD4P3 Meeting notes


  • All-hands meeting on Tuesday which will cover discovery and QA
    • Discovery Slides
    • See documents linked below
    • Huda will summarize report-out from focus groups in order to better see where there was most interest. (have done that in this document)
    • Want to ensure that everyone with input on discovery provides it, align plan with the shared goals
    • Lynette feels that there is good agreement around lookup work between Cornell and Stanford teams. Longer term open questions around approach to sustainability
  • Discovery
    • Huda successfully explore Solr Cloud index import
    • Tim focused on D&A call number browse this week
  • QA - see below
  • Next week
    • Huda will walk through proposal for rest-of-year work for LD4P3
  • PI group discussions: last 90 minute meeting is today
    • There was discussion of Share-VDE KB and what linking might be done - Open questions and there will be a follow-on discussion with Michele; PCC haven't yet got consensus on the most important lookups and whether the KB should be on that list
    • Open question of discovery against Sinopia data to "close the loop" - At the moment it would be a very odd set of data to explore discovery on, maybe interesting some niches. There are many different profiles that would require different indexing strategies. Not something that should change our plan for discovery work at the moment
  • Discovery (WP3)
    • Preliminary draft of a discovery plan- intended to get feedback:
      • Which to start with?
        • Discogs - everyone likes this, are we OK showing the data. D&A Reps + Tracey would be a good group to think about this.
          • ACTION - Huda to reach out to Tracey (cc. Jason) to review/refine discogs plan before taking to Q&A
        • Autosuggest - need to clarify added value of linked data over what could be done with current indexes, and address updates
        • Open Syllabus - can we rely on that project? are there other (linked) data sources
        • Knowledge Panel - 
      • How much does bang-for-buck influence our decision? E.g. discogs would be great for music but that is a relatively small number of items
  • Linked-Data Authority Support (WP2)
  • LD4 Conference highlights (in addition to those noted on 7/107/177/24 and 7/31)
    • None. Great times!
    • On Monday, the conference survey closes... we'll have much information from attendees about what worked, didn't, etc.
  • LD4P2 wrap up
    • Discovery: Much documentation completed.  Still to do: Indexing Processes (DONE unless people suggest further info).  Committing to doing demo intro/closing today to be done with it (Using wham! autosuggest video Tim sent earlier).
      • DONE. Huda did video and sent it to Lynette. May want to edit down a bit in the indexing section. Documentation was made into PDFs and pieces for WHAM was added to wiki. 
    • Greg has been working on getting the 4 green buttons working. Has 3 working but can get the syllabus browse going. Huda is going to follow up John Skinner to understand that
      • DONE.
    • Greg has also looked at combining Solr additions with Blacklight Solr. Found out that is isn't trivial to combine data from aux standalone-Solr and the blacklight Solr-cloud, Suggestion from the net is to re-index -→ Lynette notes possible implication for container work, we will need to build an index for the right type of Lucene setup
      • Most can stay where-is but will try to migration one to see what it takes to do (export as JSON, import, reindex); process for querying the sources is time consuming but would do this if making this more production ready. If happy with these staying as stand-alone SOLR cores, can move around to other stand-alone servers but cannot implement into SOLR cloud deployment. Indexes are comparatively small (as compared to big Blacklight indexes) so maybe fine on stand-alones. If decide we want this all on enterprise level deployments, only options is to reindex source material... and need to maintain access. For next week: will do test export, reindex
    • Open Syllabus API: call now has version included... so need to make sure URL is correct. Will be moved into main LD4P2 branch
    • Simeon put in request to retag all AWS resources for LD4P3. Greg working on this now, which should be done today
  • LD4P3 planning questions (kickoff)(proposal)
    WP2 - A key element of this work package is a sustainable solution that others can deploy. Questions of budget for deployment. Need to get all code into LD4P repository. What would a good end-product look like both for our maintenance and for others to use
    • Cache Containerization Plan - Had 2020-07-24 meeting including Dave, agreed on some revisions to this plan with a prioritization of containersLynette has started containerization process for QA service. Some tricky stuff with docker compose. Have web app coming up, still need to get mysql going. Would like people to choose which authorities go in a container but that is currently is code rather than external config – still need to work that out but that can be a next step
    • Open sustainability questions about who runs authorities where.
    • First PCC Sinopia profiles meeting this week, focus was logistics and scope. Looking at previous work on BSR (bibliographic standard record - monograph but also special collections records) and CSR (CONSER standard record - the one for serials) and what makes them PCC things. Agreement that the group will focus on monograph and serials
    • Also discussions of how to coordinate with Sinopia development work (coordinated via Nancy Lorimer who is a stakeholder in Sinopia dev meetings)
    • Monday is the next meeting of the Search API Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group
    • 2020-08-07: Lynette worked on a different project this week... but: set up issues for two parts of containerization for QA that are not resolved: 1. how we will deal with passwords and other private data wrt: GitHub; Greg has some best practices for this. 2. Making connection to MYSQL... Lynette left off on this last Friday as was not working. Will make progress on this next week.
    • 2020-08-07: asked Stanford whether they would test out containers as we complete. Received an affirmative. Dave and Lynette will also test each others
    • 2020-08-14 Creating the basics was pretty easy to put together.  But getting everything to work well together is not easy.  Docker commands are long to type.  So in an effort to speed the process of working with Docker, I put together a bunch of shortcuts and shared with others in repo elrayle/docker_shortcuts. Working with tutorials to narrow down why certain parts aren't working.
    • WP3 - Which parts of LD4P2 should we take forward? What is a good candidate for production? Are there new areas of user research?
      • ACTION: look at Blacklight and Cornell meeting notes to better understand what people liked... and what is near-to production.
      • Different strands of discussion (links to brainstorming, getting closer to production, and previous discussions) included in this document . Please comment/update
      • ACTION - Huda to reach out to CUL staff who expressed interest at March session for informal discussion – 2020-07-31 Huda has reached out to CUL staff
        • Three responded so far.  No specific additional suggestions, except comment regarding shelf browse
      • ACTION - Discuss possible organization of brainstorming session with CUL staff on directions
        • what data sources are useful? what interactions do we want to facilitate?
        • suggestion to start with some big/open question - may be fruitful, may be quiet
        • have some of our ideas too
        • be ready to switch to examples from work so far and where we might take it
        • 2020-08-07: consider doing this after we have more of a plan. Big ask to have people design something new from scratch... in their heads
      • ACTION - Work out plan for auto-suggest
        • auto-suggest work has progressed since March and would be worth showing to folks again - want to get this on D&A agenda
        • Need to be very clear of value proposition for our approach
        • Need to understand what would be require in order to get this into production
        • 2020-08-07: bullet in closer to production document that goes thru what would be required to move this to a more production ready state; incl: index was populated by only some source data... would want all data incl. an update process; some design work possible; maybe knowledge panel at end to show what selected. Huda will add a lessons learned to the closer to production doc.
          • Can proceed with any of the four items in the above linked "closer to production" doc.
      • Should there be a partner deep-dive on WP3? Yes 
        • ACTION - Huda to work with Michelle on setting this up (DONE as in followed up and "scan the waters" discussion to be included in next all hands August 18th). Half of the next all-hands meeting is on Q&A and other half on Discovery. All look at feedback document mentioned above.
      • Hurrah for D&A selection of Tim's visual browse from LD4P2 which will be implemented alongside the textual call number browse
    •  is still working through use cases, this seems very important to take sufficient time on
      • Long discussions about language and different user expectation scenarios
    • Dave has been less available due to recent storms
    • Middle of next week Lynette will return to container work, trying to resolve problems of webapp connecting to mysql
  • LD4P3 demo blacklight site
    • Greg working on full CI/deploy but with a manually initiation for now
    LD4P3 demo blacklight site
    • Greg wonders whether worthwhile working on full CI/deploy
      • 2020-08-07: decided worthwhile, just not triggered automatically whenever there is a push. will push when we want to deploy. System will otherwise be full deployment system. Working on this in coming week
    • Need to work out whether we want to resync our fork of BL with the current Cornell code – better to start with a new fork and then port in anything we want to keep
      • ACTION - Greg/Tim/Huda to design github branching strategy for LD4P3 work - 2020-07-31 Not done yet
        • 2020-08-07: Discussions link.  Capistrano setup like D&A. Jenkins job for deployment which will be manually triggered.  Development off dev branch . LD4P2 code saved on LD4P2 branch, dev/master to reflect latest on CUL-IT upstream. 
    • Note that various browse buttons on LD4P3 demo site do not point to the correct Solr indices (but perhaps we don't worry about this if we're starting from a fresh copy of the production code)
      • Greg got these to work
        • 2020-08-21 DONE - Using for fork from the CUL-IT repo. Annoying in github that PRs get made against the upstream repo, not sure how to fix that except by severing the connection in github. Might be possible to break the connection in github and just use a local upstream setting to keep things up to date with CUL-IT
  • LD4P2 wrap up (we can probably remove much of this except for relevant bullets) \
    • See Discovery (WP4) write up
    • Details of Indexing Processes
    • WHAM video ... Huda did video and sent it to Lynette. May want to edit down a bit in the indexing section. Documentation was made into PDFs and pieces for WHAM was added to wiki. 
      • ACTION - Lynette to do some final audio fixes 
  • Developing What are Cornell's functional requirements in order to move toward linked data?
    • C.f. Stanford functional requirements document:
    • What does success look like? And then how do we get there? 
    • 2020-08-07: Held off as LTS sorts out some succession planning issues... coupled with the PI discussions that may yield some output that can inform CUL's documentation. More soon-ish21 Jason drafted an introduction for LTS staff and no capacity right now in LTS, postpone until folks are back on campus. Question of how we much we need to seed discussion with a first pass. Discuss approach again 2020-09-04 or 11
  • Other Topics
    • OCLC Linked Data / Entities Advisory Group.
      • Recap of usability test results, API testing (get, search), recap of shapes (gap between wikibase use and ontologies we understanding in the community)
    • PCC Sinopia Profiles Working group
      • Going through large spreadsheet comparing Sinopia profiles with BSR and CSR, close to having a comparison, will be part of report to POCO
    • PCC Task Group on Non-RDA Entities
      • Meeting today to decide on which models to take, e.g. RDA/RDF values vs. abbreviated list of codes
      • Question of going to LC about using/hosting a small vocab of entity types or use an external vocab
      • Write-up will go to POCO
  • Default branch name
    • Instructions for creating a New Repo with Main Branch
    • Instructions for renaming an existing branch TBD.  Will be bringing back info from the Samvera community working group on branch renaming.
    • 2020-08-07: nothing new at present. will bring back when more. When created containerization work, did on main branch21: Lynette has done testing with tool that does the transformation, process is one-time destructive process but does keep settings and update PRs. Might still be good to wait for github that has said it plans to have tools by end of year  (Impact Analysis, Analysis results of promising tool)  We are evaluating multiple tools and approaches for renaming.  The analysis will give you a sense of what is being tested.
  • Upcoming meetings
    • Virtual Blacklight Summit in early October. (Main site link and document to add lightning talk/breakout session ideas) - Huda is on unofficial committee. Expecting various follow-ons from earlier meeting this year
    • European BIBFRAME Summit; registration now open. Occurring 9/22-9/23 (9-11:30am Eastern each day): (no cost)

Next Meeting(s), anyone out?
