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  • Pascal-Nicolas Becker (The Library Code)*

  • Allan Bell (University of British Columbia Library)

  • John Butler (University of Minnesota)*
  • Suzanne Chase (Georgetown University)

  • Lieven Droogmans (Atmire)*
  • Federico Ferrario / Roberto Suardi (Cineca)

  • Scott Hanrath (University of Kansas) 

  • Barbara Hirschmann (ETH Zurich)
  • Jyrki Ilva (National Library of Finland)*

  • Jayan Kurian (University of Sunshine Coast)
  • Pierre Lasou (Université Laval)

  • Mariya Maistrovskaya (University of Toronto)
  • Lautaro Julián Matas (LA Referencia / RedCLARA)
  • João Mendes Moreira (Foundation of Science and Technology Portugal)*

  • Susanna Mornati (4Science)*

  • César Olivares (CONCYTEC)*
  • Jere Odell (Indiana University Purdue University Indiana)

  • Kristi Park (Texas Digital Library) - Chair

  • Beate Rajski (Hamburg University of Technology)
  • Gail Steinhart (Cornell University)
  • Peter Sutton-Long (University of Cambridge, interim)*(star)
  • Maureen Walsh (The Ohio State University Libraries)*







15 minWelcome
Kristi Park
215 10 minDSpace 7 development update

Development schedule update from release manager

Heather Greer Klein
315 25 minFundraising and Membership

Report on membership renewals (Laurie)

  • Need for follow-up with members who cancel or are wavering

Fundraising (Kristi)

  • Report on fundraising numbers
  • Community Engagement group
  • Brainstorm fundraising ideas for members and non-members
Laurie Arp, Kristi Park
415 10 minDSpace-LYRASIS MOU

LYRASIS-DSpace MOU June24_2019.pdf

The term of the current MOU was July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

The term shall automatically renew, or we can take the opportunity to review and update it.

Laurie Arp

55 minOrganizational updates
Robert Miller

5 minAny other business


Development Update


Beta3 release is planned for next week (3 July) subject to agreement about which features can be moved to Beta4.
The development team have improved the efficiency of their Thursday meetings allowing more time for code reviews.
Work is currently split between Jira (tickets) and GitHub (Issues) which can make work inefficient so the team are trialling GitHub project boards as a replacement for Jira. Project boards are also public which has benefits for transparency.
Draft Beta3 board in GitHub:
Project boards are not a complete replacement for Jira but has all the key features needed to show progress towards milestones.
Tim thanked Heather and James for their work on streamlining and automating processes.

Fundraising and Membership


There are currently 66 billable members (a consortium count as one billable member); 39 have paid, 3 have deferred to July, 23 have not yet responded. Those who have not yet responded account for $100k of potential income.
One member who has actively cancelled is moving away from using DSpace in their institution.
Mic currently calls members who are leaving and asked whether members of Leadership would be be willing to participate in contacting vulnerable members.
Kristi - expressed willingness and asked for participation; possibly work on a regional basis.
Laurie - Lyrasis could work to match up Leaders with possible best contacts based on region.
Maureen - for many members the July start year doesn't match up with their institutions budget year.
Laurie - should there be some leeway in this exceptional year?
John T. - unknown autumn enrolments having an additional impact - should we proactively communicate some flexibility?
Pascal - members impacted differently depending on source of funding - how to judge best time to communicate?
Mic - wait until after end June as elections will offer a good opportunity to contact members in different categories
Kristi - asked for volunteers willing to reach out; will provide talking points. This approach demonstrates engagement with the community and an opportunity to learn.
Joao - use economic resources to predict impact on membership.

[Members expressing an interest in chat: João Mendes Moreira, Jere Odell, Gail Steinhart, Lieven, Maureen Walsh, Peter Sutton-Long, John T Butler, Pascal Becker, Beate Rajski]

Kristi - fundraising goal is $300k. So far raised $140k with a possible $60k remaining in net assets. First meeting of the Community Engagement Taskforce in two weeks.
Pascal announced three new members (inc one Gold) resulting in new membership income of $19k and one more hopeful prospect.

Kristi - the terms of the Registry means that it can't be used for outreach.
Lautaro - is conducting a survey of DSpace use in Latin America; intention to identify developers and new members. Could this be replicated in different regions?
Discussion around the value of using the National User Groups as a warm relationship exists with members (Kristi, Michele, Pascal).
Kristi & John T. discussed the idea of asking for small, immediate contributions from members (eg $500); ideally should be very low barriers to such contributions.
Tim - noted it is possible to add a "Sponsor this project" button in GitHub.

DSpace - Lyrasis MOU

The original MOU expires at the end of June 2020. Members of the Leadership team discussed the scale of revision of the MOU the result of which was an agreement to wait until after November/December for any strategic changes as we'll be in a better position to understand the basis of funding.
Agreed to make small changes now (Kristi) and appoint a Working Group (Nov / Dec 2020) to consider a broader revision.

Lyrasis organisational update

Laurie delivered the update on behalf of Robert. Unfortunately, due to challenges of this current economic situation Lyrasis has made the sad decision to let go a number of individuals, including a highly respected member of the Marketing team [NB I've omitted the name of this individual for reasons for reasons of privacy; please do add it if appropriate]. Members of Leadership acknowledged their contribution and expressed regret at this parting.