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110 20 minFinancial reports

Quarterly financial report and projections

Discussion of (DSpace Statement of Financial Activity YTD and Jan 2020 Forecast ( shared via the Leadership Google group).

Laurie215 minDSpace 7 updates
DSpace 7 deveopment status
Development Group is preparing for a beta release this week.

DSpace 7 line of credit agreement and fundraising updates
  • Kristi and Jyrki will sign a revised agreement (available above).
  • State of DSpace 7 fundraising efforts
  • Delay in working group formation.
    Robert, Laurie
    25 minDSpace 7 development update
    DSpace 7 development status
    • Development Group is preparing for a beta release this week.
    Kristi, Robert, Tim
    330 minReport from GDPR Working Group

    Discussion of DSpace GDPR Working Group report and recommendations. (Note: the report was shared via the Leadership Google Group.)


    45 minOther businessNew SCOSS funding cycle – Pre-screening application deadline March 11


    • Kristi welcomed Peter Sutton-Long from University of Cambridge to the Leadership Group. Peter will serve in an interim capacity in place of Agustina Martinez while she is on maternity leave.
    • Kristi asked Leadership Group to approve Peter’s appointment to the Steering Group during Agustina’s leave, which they did.

    Financial reports

    • Report from Robert Miller on DSpace 7 fundraising. Robert summarized the group’s work to this point - Leadership/Steering have developed a plan and release schedule, set a budget of $300K, and developed a line-of-credit as a backup source of funding.
      Robert has been asking platinum, gold, and silver members to make a single contribution to go to DSpace 7 development this year (essentially doubling their membership fee for this year).
      Batting 100% on the calls made so far
      Kristi (TDL) and Jyrki (NLF) stepped up with significant contributions to start out. LYRASIS committed $5K.
      Achieved so far combined pledges of $72K
      U Toronto and Cambridge and OSU likely to give
      Expected to reach $100K in the next 30 days
      Robert reported that Atmire and 4Science have agreed to extended terms (120 days) on payments for their development work, giving the Leadership Group flexibility to keep fundraising ahead of need.
    • Kristi: I see community at work. Members stepping up and giving a little extra work. Leaders taking steps to make it happen. That is really exciting to see. Robert has been doing a huge amount of work to make it happen.
    • Robert: Michele's great work outside of US, particularly Europe and Latin America.
    • Kristi: We have this momentum, closing in on the first 100K, we need to meet 300K. Focus on silver and bronze members we have not reached out yet. We need your help on this.
    • Other thing, members are willing to give the money one time, excited of new memberships.
    • Jyrki: We have a very promising start and work ahead.
    • Kristi: We need to engage our European and South American partners in ways that make sense to them.
    • Laurie: (Quarterly, financial report) Commitments for 72K in contributions. February to June forecast estimate on consultants. Need to increase amount of contributions up to 200K.
    • Kristi: We have a line of credit available as an option too, if fundraising hits a wall, but we want to avoid it as much as possible.
    • When we hit that 200K milestone celebrate with the community, maybe send out a communication, consult with marketing working group.
    • Robert: Very confident we will reach 100K in the next 30 days.
    • Pascal: Have contacted some institutions for memberships in the last month. Working on it actively and ongoing.
    • Kristi: We do need bronze members to hit 300K. A small ask but for many members.

    DSpace 7 development update

    • Tim: Release goals at
      Focused on getting Beta 1 out on time this month. We should have it by the end of this week, right aroung the corner. Our goal is to have one out each month.
      Paid development did start beginning of February, with Atmire and 4Science. Not received full 4FTEs yet, but we started a bit ahead of schedule.
      Work is also being done on release for DSpace 6.4.

    Report from GDPR Working Group

    • Pascal: Work almost 12 months on GDPR, understand it, and prepare a long document, how is it related to DSpace. We need to summarize and put it together in a smaller documento for LG.
      Please, attention to disclaimer. No lawyer yet as part of the team. Document tries to explain what GDPR means. Then addendum with some definitions and principles of GDPR.
      Main question: how to proceed and get a lawyer to participate. Be sure we did not miss anything. Maybe do some webinars to explain the community how to be GDPR compliant. We want those documents to be correct and reviewed by a lawyer. Trying to reach legal clinic in universities as an option, but probably ask LG for budget to hire lawyer.
      Second topic, even if we have DSpace 7 to be GDPR compliant, what to do regarging DSpace 5 and 6.
    • Kristi: Very thorough and enlightening on how DSpace handles personal data. One question regarding current development work, some of those GDPR issues are already addressed on schedule?
    • Pascal: First we do not know if our list is comprehensive.
    • Tim: DSpace 7 Release Plan has already a GDPR set of features:
      It would really help to understand the absolute minimum, including even manual processes, and then improve on that with more automated processes.
    • Lieven: Beta 4 consents on cookies. Pushed to 7.1 and 7.2 those that could be made manually. Without IP address, for instance, it can be argued that it is not possible to provide reliable statistics. Important to try to follow the intent behind the law.
    • Susanna (by chat): I would just like to clarify this point (please report it in the meeting notes): when "voting" for DSpace 7 development priorities, 4Science respected the rule to indicate as priority to provide existing features first, not "important" features. GDPR is very important, but as other new important features, it did not fit in the very first priorities to be able to provide DSpace 7 in a defined timeline.
    • Pascal: Really important to have a lawyer on board, to understand the intent of the law.
    • Lieven: Frame in the sense that we are concerned with personal data, not just by GDPR, and help on how to organize the information accordingly.
    • Pascal: Different disciplines have different rules to anonymize data.
    • Kristi: PKP community develops other OS platforms, they have a GDPR document for their platforms. They speak of GDPR as an ongoing effort. Also tips for making the system more GDPR compliant, not only about technology, but organization and policy as well.
    • Pascal: We would like to provide something comparable for DSpace, maybe a chapter in the user manual.
    • Jyrki: 2 years ago had their systems evaluated. Some issues already identified. Not black and white.
    • Lieven (by chat): IRUS JISC privcy statement (incl how they handle IP addresses):
    • Kristi (by chat): PKP GDPR Guidebook
    • Allan: Can have document reviewed by institutional lawyers.
    • Kristi: If the group have information about what a review would cost and supply that to Kristi and Jyrki we could consider it in next year budget.
    • Lieven: Maybe ask an institution that has data protection officer in staff.
    • Pascal: Talked to one today, looking for authorization from dean.
    • Kristi: That would be ideal.
    • Pascal: Try to find lawyers. Have an answer before July.
    • Cesar: Need minimum GDPR compliance. Try not to impact need for usaged statistics.
    • Lautaro: Agree with Cesar, we are strongly using the statistics solr logs information

    New SCOSS funding cycle – Pre-screening application deadline March 11

    • Barbara: Switzerland had 2 initiatives funded: Sherpa-Romeo and DOAJ. Commited funding for SCOSS. Now 4 new initiatives they want to help. SCOSS is really helping achieve funding goals.
    • Kristi: Please provide thoughts on the thread regarding SCOSS in the LG email group.
    • Laurie (by chat): apparently DSpace did submit a proposal last year and it was declined
    • Michele: It was declined because of the ongoing merger.
    • Mariya (by chat): PKP received SCOSS funding in 2019 as well