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(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Brian Lowe 
  2.  Benjamin Gross 
  3. Andrew Woods
  4. Brian Lowe (star)
  5. Ralph O'Flinn (star)
  6. Alexander (Sacha) Jerabek
  7. Pierre Roberge
  8. Michel Héon
  9. Don Elsborg
  10. Mike Conlon
  11. Huda Khan
  12. Steven McCauley Don Elsborg


  1. Announcements
    1. 2020 Sprint Planning
      1. Review of auto-closed pull-requests
      1. Auto-closed Vitro PRs
      2. Auto-closed VIVO PRs
    2. ...
      1. that have come back to life!
        1. VIVO re-opened PRs
        2. Vitro re-opened PRs
        3. ...or not back to life? VIVO-Harvester PRs
      2. VIVO Triple Store Roadmap Proposal
        1. Image AddedVIVO-1741 - Change default content triplestore to TDB RECEIVED
    3. 2020 - VIVO Sprints
    4. Symplectic's Harvester... now open source, what next?
    5. Pruning legacy Vitro/VIVO GitHub branches
    6. From last week, what is the resolution for: 
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
    7. Vitro Vitro pull-requests
      1. authorization update for self editors - no JIRA
      2. RDF Delta patch messaging
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
      3. Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
         - looks good


    1. Status of In-Review tickets


      serverDuraSpace JIRA



    1. Andrew Woods
    2. Mike Conlon
    3. Brian Lowe
    4. Ralph O’Flinn
    5. Huda Khan
    6. Benjamin Gross
    7. Steve McCauley


    1. Announcements
      1. Thanks to Benjamin for reviving pull requests that were automatically closed when the develop branch was removed.

    Iii. need to discuss the one Harvester PR with Don

      1. Triple Store Roadmap Proposal
        1. Mike: Some in the VIVO community define the problem very narrowly: store lists of publications and put them on the screen quickly.  In this case, there is no need for a triple store. The triple store becomes an appropriate solution when you consider scholarship more broadly.
        2. Don:  Got interested in VIVO because of the ability to record data about spacecraft and maintain relationships between equipment, data sets, people, etc.  The beauty and promise of VIVO (especially Vitro) is the ability to leverage all of these relationships.  
        3. Mike:  Upper level ontology work is critical for being able to share data across domains.
        1. Limited feedback received so far.
        2. Related question of how much of what VIVO does requires a triple or graph store, and to what extent the triple store represents latent potential.
    1. Sprint planning
      1. Close to reaching critical mass
      2. Don may be able to recruit a volunteer to work on ETL for VIVO Scholar via a Python-based pipeline (NetworkX to RDF). Tease apart pieces of the current process and make it easier for people to debug and modify when not tied to a complex Java stack.
        1. Andrew: would be good to gauge interest on Monday.  There is also value in coalescing around a shared solution.
      3. Don: is there still the possibility to leverage VIVO’s current listeners that trigger index modification to also modify a Solr that can be used by Scholar?  What might be the barriers? Would be good to have a discussion.
        1. Mike: Access control is a critical part of Vitro, so messages plus access control is value not provided by a standard triple store.
        1. Should it be a core part of Vitro to translate between RDF changes and changes to document structures that are then sent to other applications/indexes?  Or is it better to reduce Vitro’s role and rely on RDF Delta Patch where raw RDF messages are sent to other applications?
      1. Communitizing VIVO Scholar and language-aware editing
    1. Divide and conquer to prune legacy branches.
    2. VIVO-1738 needs a comment from Don about possible resolution.

    6.a. Has a fix

    6.c. ready as well

    Draft notes in Google-Doc
