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Comment: schema:Order to schema:position


First a caveat: one might be tempted to use a structure that relies on RDF "blank nodes", such as most tools generate by default from the Collection notation in RDF Turtle. As mentioned in  Common metadata design patternsMetadata Design Patterns, blank nodes are not well-defined in the repository context and should generally not be used in Fedora. So here's an example of what to avoid:


    @prefix dc: <> .
    @prefix owl: <> .
    @prefix schema: <> .
      dc:title "Test title" ;
      dc:creator <#xyz>, <#abc>, <#123> .
    <#xyz> owl:sameAs <>; schema:Orderposition 1 .
    <#abc> owl:sameAs <>; schema:Orderposition 2 .
    <#123> owl:sameAs <>  ; schema:Orderposition 3 .

If you prefer, you could go with a PCDM-style proxy ordering approach. This generates the most triples of any approach we've considered, but for some tool chains it makes good sense.
