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A CDL representative will act as interim Chair chair until a Chair is selected by the AG.

Attending -  Kate Wittenberg, Frédérique Joannic-Seta, Bertrand Caron, Kurt Ewoldsen, John Kunze, Heather Greer Klein

Discussion Items


Announcements -

  • Primary goal for the meeting is to review and revise the working group charters in preparation for recruiting working group members. Revisions and notes were made directly in the document.

Review Action items from our last meeting

  • ACTION - update AG member list status: done
  • ACTION - set up googlegroup for AG communications status: done
  • ACTION - Erin to link template for charter: Task Force Charter Template status: done

  • ACTION - Everyone to review
documentation on Thurs, Nov 22
  • Friday 30 November to new
Google Group.ACTION - Erin to link template for charter: Task Force Charter Template
  • googlegroup/email list. (Deadline extended from 22 Nov to 30 Nov.) status: done
  • ACTION - John and Kurt to look at drafting charter for each group. status: done
  • ACTION - David, Heather, Erin, John, and Kurt to meet to talk about logistics to launch each WG. status: done
  • ACTION - We will create a new spreadsheet or googledoc where AG members can suggest people from the EOI to the WG.
  • ACTION - Heather needs to follow up to check status of editing permissions and accounts. status: done
  • ACTION - Kurt and John will meet with DuraSpace friends. status: done
  • ACTION - draft a project update and put a section where AG members can add events they'll be attending in 2019
  • status: done (minus events)
  • ACTION - Kurt we need to put together a template lightning talk anyone could deliver.

  • 2 new institutions expressed interest this month

  • Discussion of working group size, revisions to indicate about 7 being optimal while still welcoming participation, and working groups can reach out to the entire community as needed.
  • Charters are living documents and will be revised over time by group members.
  • ACTION Kate will review and revise the sustainability working group charter language. status: done
  • Objective of all the working groups to be aware of and share information important to their project. Potential partners, changes in the ecosystem, other emerging identifiers
  • Scholarly Kitchen article about DPN that would be worth reading. Touches on sustainability and membership, financial challenges. Important as we build this project that we ask the community what they would support that would meet their needs, not try to determine those needs without input.
  • Determine most cost-effective way to deliver a valuable project/service to ask for a level of support that seems affordable to our community. Want to include that goal. Need to be able to reassure in the context of recent DPN news and other collaborative project challenges. Why we are different, how we are being aware of the challenges for the project.
  • ACTION John will revise document based on comments and post on the wiki. status: done
  • Hoping for Q1 first meetings of the working groups; need to complete member recruitment using the working group charters.