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VIVO 1.10.0-RC-1 is available for community testing.  The primary features/updates found in this release include:

  • Support for RDF 1.1 via Jena 3

  • Documentation for integrating the Data Distribution API

  • TPF Endpoint

  • Direct2Experts Endpoint

  • Improvements in Internationalization

  • Upgrade of password encryption to Argon2i

  • Jenatools for import and export of entire triple stores

  • vivo.owl consolidated ontology assertions

  • Many internal improvements in support of theming

  • Many internal improvements to upgrade dependencies

  • Many bug fixes

A full list of JIRA tickets addresses by this release can be found here:

To test the release candidate download and build from the source code to deploy into a servlet container


Download a no source vagrant

See the VIVO 1.10 Technical Documentation wiki for instructions:

Community testing of this release candidate is critical. Please provide your feedback on the release testing page

Story 2  Text of story 2

Story 3  Text of story 3

Story 4  Text of story 4

My heartfelt thanks to all the community volunteers who made this release happen.  It is a great pleasure to work with so many talented people!

Heading to the VIVO Conference  It's conference time.  Fly, drive, bike, walk over to the JB Duke Hotel in Durham, North Carolina, USA on the campus of Duke University for the 9th Annual VIVO Conference.  The conference starts this Wednesday with workshops, a Leadership Group meeting, the Welcoming reception, and dinner for hotel guests in the JB Duke Marketplace.  See the full program on the conference web site.  Late registrants are welcome.  See No interest group this week  Hope to see you in Durham!



Mike Conlon 
VIVO Project Director