Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • April 23 - 27 and April 30 - May 4
  • April 30 - May 4 and May 7 - 11
  • May 7 - 11 and May 14 - 18


(NOTE: Please refrain from signing up until the Sprint dates are finalized. This will ensure you are able to contribute during the Sprint. An announcement will be sent to mailing lists & Slack when signup is open/available. In the meantime, you are welcome to comment on this Sprint or the framework via comments to this Wiki page)

  • [Your Name here]

Sprint Goals

(NOTE: Currently these goals are very high-level. They need to be broken down into specific tasks / tickets prior to the Sprint, so that those tickets are claimable by individuals.)

  1. Alphabetic jump to (specific letter) in results listing (NOTE: Below browse tasks have a dependency on this feature.  Should we do this prior to the sprint?)
    1. E.g. Jump to a Title / Author starting with a specific letter or string, like
  2. Build out Administrative Search/Browse tools (each of these tools is limited to Site Administrators)
    1. Find Item by Internal Item ID/Item Handle  (e.g. XMLUI: , JSPUI:
    2. Browse Withdrawn Items (by Title) (e.g. XMLUI: , JSPUI:
    3. Browse Private Items (by Title) (e.g. XMLUI: , JSPUI:


  • Weekly Kickoff Meeting (each Monday)
    • Sprint Participants (or a representative from your organization) should attend the Sprint Week Kickoff Meeting in DSpace Meeting Room.
      • Anyone unable to attend must touch base with the Sprint Coordinator (Tim Donohue) via another means (Slack, DSpace Meeting Room, email, etc) for any necessary information.
    • The goal of the Kickoff meeting is to:
      • Touch base & finalize plans / goals for the Sprint week (i.e. ensure everyone is on the same page)
      • Ensure all participants have assigned tasks, and any necessary support/resources to begin their work
      • As necessary, go through expectations / protocols of the Sprint (e.g. Contributing code via PRs, Where to ask for help/support, Meeting schedule for week, etc)
      • Address or discuss any questions that sprint participants may have
  • Daily Standups via Slack: On each day of the sprint (Tues-Fri), prior to 15:00 UTC, each participant should report their status update in the Slack #dev channel.  This will act as our daily "standup" meeting.
    • Template (feel free to copy and paste into Slack and fill in the details)

      Code Block
      titleStandup Template
      [DSpace 7 Sprint]
      Tasks completed: 
        * List ticket titles / links that you completed (since your last update)
        * Please include brief textual description
      Working on:
        * List ticket titles / links that you plan to work on next (or continue work on)
        * Please include brief textual description
        * Is there anything blocking your progress today? Give a brief textual description

  • Additional meetings may be scheduled as necessary (depends on the Sprint)

Support Options

  • Requests for help / questions can be asked on Slack (#dev channel).
  • The DSpace Meeting Room may also be used to do pair programming / screen sharing / ad hoc meetings / support. Keep in mind we only have the one room, so be sure to share it with others if they need it.