Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Remove <vivo_home>/solr/data

Start Tomcat

Tested By

Success -

Dev 4th Oct

New installation test - Mac(tick)
New installation test - Linux(tick)

Upgrade Tests

Install previous version

Prepare installation

<Version specific update tasks>


Start Tomcat - check that smoke test fails

Stop Tomcat

Export data with jena2tools

Empty MySQL, <home>/tdbModels

Import data with jena3tools

Start Tomcat

Tested By

Success -

Dev 4th Oct

Upgrade test - Mac(tick)

Minor updates in RDF (e.g. academicDegree.rdf) means reinference on first startup, even though import / export was correct and did not alter any data.

Upgrade test - Linux(tick)

UI Tests

Tested by

Success -

Dev 4th Oct (Wilma)

Success -

Dev 4th Oct (Tenderfoot)


Smoke tests do not produce error

(warning about email server is OK)

 (tick) (tick)

Home page displays correctly

 (tick) (tick)
Log in as admin (tick) (tick)
Site Admin page displays correctly (tick) (tick)
Each function on site admin display corrrectly (tick) (tick)

Site Admin - Add Individual of this class:

Faculty Member

Research Project




 (tick) (tick)
Check required fields in creating classes (tick) (tick)

Check menu entries

(Home, People, Organizations, Events, etc.)

 (tick) (tick)

Check Person display

(logged out, logged in)

 (tick) (tick)
Add values to all Person fields (tick) (tick)

Check tabs on Person display

(overview, publications, contact, etc.)

 (tick) (tick)

Add new publication to person

(check required fields)

 (tick) (tick)

Check manage publications

(hide / show publications)

 (tick) (tick)

Check Publication view

 (tick) (tick)

Check AltMetric badge

(e.g. doi: 10.1038/nrmicro2331)

 (tick) (tick)
Add author(s) to publication (tick) (tick)
Check Person has co-author network (tick) (tick)
Check co-author network display (tick) (tick)
Add grants to Person (tick) (tick)
Add co-investigators to grants (tick) (tick)
Check Person has co-investigator network (tick) (tick)
Check co-investigator network display (tick) (tick)

Add research areas to people

(check all vocabulary services)

 (tick) (tick)
Check Capability Map (tick) (tick)
Check Map of Science (tick) (tick)
Check Temporal Graph (tick) (tick)
Check search (tick) (tick)
Check index page (tick) (tick)
Create self editor login associated with profile (tick) (tick)
Log in as self editor (tick) (tick)
Add and confirm an ORCiD (tick) (tick)
Create editor and assign proxy editing (tick) (tick)
Log in as proxy editor (tick) (tick)
Check TPF endpoint (tick) (tick)
