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The VIVO software, beginning with version 1.6, supports the development of SPARQL query data getters that can be associated with specific ontological classes. These data getters, in turn, can be accessed within Freemarker templates to provide richer content on VIVO profile pages. For example, the profile page for an academic department lists only the names of the faculty within that department and their titles, but with a SPARQL query data getter it is now possible to extend the faculty information to display all of the faculty members' research areas.

The Steps and an Example

There are five mandatory steps involved in developing and implementing a class-specific SPARQL query data getter. In this wiki page we'll walk through an example and provide details on each of these steps.


5. Incorporate the new template into the application

Step 1. Define the Customization

This first step might seem obvious but it's helpful to define as specifically as possible the change being made to VIVO. For our example, we'll use the one mentioned in the introduction.  On academic department pages, we'll provide a list of all the faculty members' research areas and we'll display these beneath the department overview near the top of the page. In addition, we want the listed research areas to be links that will take us to a detail page that shows all of the faculty who have selected a given research area. This last requirement, being able to drill down to a details page, requires both an additional template and data getter, and so we'll need an optional sixth step: Create the Drill-down Page Using Page Management.

Step 2. Write the SPARQL Query

Having defined our requirements, we now need to write a query that will return the data we want -- specifically, the rdfs labels of the research areas and, because we want to be able to drill-down on these labels, the URI of the research areas. An obvious place to write and test a query is the SPARQL Query page that you can access from the Site Admin page. Here's our test query:


There are two points to note here. In line 3 of the query we convert the label variable to a string to prevent any duplicate labels from appearing; and in line 5 we use the specific URI for an academic department. This URI allows us to test the query, but it will have to be replaced by a "generic" subject in our next step.

Step 3. Produce the N3 for the Data Getter

Once the SPARQL query has been tested, we define the data getter using triples stored in a .N3 file. This file is then placed in the WEB-INF directory in the VIVO source code, as follows: rdf/display/everytime/deptResearchAreas.n3.


The "save to" variable researchAreaResults is what we use to access the query results in our template.

Step 4. Create a Freemarker Template

Now that we've created our data getter, getResearchAreaDataGetter, and have a "save to" variable with which to access the query results, we create a Freemarker template -- individual-dept-research-areas.ftl -- and use the <#list> function to loop through and display the results. The following markup is all that's needed in this new template.


In the very first line we check to ensure that the query actually produced results. If not, no markup of any kind gets rendered. Otherwise, we give the new template section a heading, define an unordered list (<ul>) to contain the research areas, and then loop through the results. Note that the research area labels are contained within an anchor tag (<a>) because we want to be able to use these as links to a list of the faculty members for each research area. The URL in the href attribute includes what looks like a servlet name, /deptResearchAreas, and two parameters: deptURI and raURI. The deptURI parameter is the URI of the department that has been loaded by the IndividualController, and this value is accessible through the template variable ${individual.uri}. The raURI parameter is the URI of the research area, the value of which is available in our query results. These parameters and the servlet name will be used to develop the drill-down page that lists the faculty members in a department that have an interest in a specific research area.

Step 5. Incorporate the New Template into the Application

Now that we have a template to display the list of research areas, we need to update the individual.ftl template to source in the new template. Since individual.ftl is used to render individuals of many different classes, we include an <#if> statement to ensure that the individual-dept-research-areas.ftl template only gets included when the individual being loaded is an AcademicDepartment:

Code Block
<#if individual.mostSpecificTypes?seq_contains("Academic Department")>
    <#include "individual-dept-research-areas.ftl">

Step 6. Create the Drill-down Page Using Page Management (optional)

To this point, we have created a class-specific SPARQL query data getter, which retrieves the research areas of the faculty in a given academic department; developed a new template to render the results of our data getter; and updated the individual.ftl template to display the list of research areas.  In Step 1, however, we defined requirements that include the ability to drill down from a selected research area to display a list of the faculty members in the department who have an interest in that research area. This is also done using a SPARQL query and new template. But in this case the query does not need to be associated with a specific class and defined in an .N3 file.  Instead, we can create a SPARQL query page using the Page Management functionality.
