Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


depending on the particular model.


The initialization has changed in release 1.6. For the details prior to release 1.5, see RDF initialization before release 1.6


Where are the RDF files?

In the distribution, the RDF files appear in [vivo]/rdf and in [vitro]/webapp/rdf. These directories are merged during the build process in the usual way, with files in VIVO preferred over files in Vitro.


  • In Vitro, there are none
  • In VIVO, geopolitical.ver1.1-11-18-11.individual-labels.rdf, vocabularySource-labels.n3

Every timerestart, read the files in rdf/abox/filegraph, and create named models in the RDFService. Add them as sub-models to the base ABox. If these files are changed or deleted, update the RDFService accordingly.

  • In Vitro, there are none
  • In Vivo, academicDegree.rdf, continents.n3, dateTimeValuePrecision.owl, documentStatus.owl,  geopolitical.abox.ver1.1-11-18-11.owl, us academicDegree.rdf, continents.n3
    us-states.rdfdateTimeValuePrecision.owl,  validation.n3, documentStatus.owl,  vocabularySource.n3

base TBox



  • In Vitro, there are none
  • In VIVO, additionalHiding.n3  initialTBoxAnnotations.n3

Every restart, read the files in rdf/tbox/filegraph, and create named models in the RDFService. Add them as sub-models to the base TBox. If these files are changed or deleted, update the RDFService accordingly.

  • In Vitro geopolitical-ver1.1-11-18-11-annotations.rdf, isDefinedBy-1.5-annotations.rdf, scires-1.5-annotations.rdf, vitro-0.7-annotations.rdf, vivo-core-1.5-annotations.rdf, vivo-core-1.5-labels_es_ES.n3


  • owl, vitroPublic.owl
  • In VIVO, 44 files:
Code Block

...			    	education.owl			personTypes.n3
agent.owl			    	event.owl				process.owl
appControls-temp.n3			geo-political.owl		publication.owl
bfo-bridge.owl				grant.owl				relationship.owl
bfo.owl				    	linkSuppression.n3		relationshipAxioms.n3
classes-additional.owl  	location.owl			research-resource-iao.owl
clinical.owl				object-properties.owl	research-resource.owl
contact-vcard.owl			object-properties2.owl	research.owl
contact.owl			    	object-properties3.owl	role.owl
data-properties.owl			objectDomains.rdf		sameAs.n3
dataDomains.rdf				objectRanges.rdf		service.owl
dataset.owl			    	ontologies.owl			skos-vivo.owl
date-time.owl				orcid-interface.n3		teaching.owl
dateTimeValuePrecision.owl	other.owl				vitro-0.7.owl
documentStatus.owl		    outreach.owl			vitroPublic.owl



base Full

Source: a combination of base ABox and base TBox
