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GET /rest

 The response from this call includes the set of REST report calls that are available.

  • GET /reports - Return a list of report tools built on the rest api
  •  GET /reports/{nickname} - Return a redirect to a specific report
  • GET /filters - Return a list of use case filters available for quality control reporting
  • GET /filtered-collections - Return collections and item counts based on pre-defined filters
  • GET /filtered-collections/{collection_id} - Return items and item counts for a collection based on pre-defined filters
  • GET /filtered-items - Retrieve a set of items based on a metadata query and a set of filters


GET /rest/reports

The response from this call includes the set of reports that are available

  • collection: ../rest/static/rest/index.html
  • item-query: ../rest/static/rest/query.html

GET /rest/reports/[report name]

This will re-direct to the configured report

GET /rest/filters


The response will return the list of available filters. These have been configured in rest.cfg.


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