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Code Block
mvn {target} {-option} -Dmirage2.on=true


# NOTE: for DSpace 5.x, the LNI module must be manually specified (-Pdspace-lni)

Checkout Master or Branch to Release


Code Block
mvn install -Dmirage2.on=true
# NOTE: for DSpace 5.x, the LNI module must be manually specified (-Pdspace-lni) to ensure it is also released

Updating your local maven cache will help to ensure that the release process goes more smoothly, and should help you to avoid any errors having to do with Maven being unable to locate any particular dependencies. That being said, this step actually may not be necessary, if our release process is working correctly.


Code Block
mvn test -Dmaven.test.skip=false 


Do a Dry Run

This step is not required, but performs a useful sanity check without committing any changes. From your clean, up-to-date copy of master/branch, run the following command (from [dspace-src]):

Code Block
mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true -Dmirage2.on=true
# NOTE: for DSpace 5.x, the LNI module must be manually specified (-Pdspace-lni) to ensure it is also released

You will have to enter in your GPG passphrase (which you established when you created your Code Signing Key).


Code Block
mvn release:prepare -Dresume=false -Dmirage2.on=true
# NOTE: for DSpace 5.x, the LNI module must be manually specified (-Pdspace-lni)

(Optionally, you may also include the parameters -Dusername=YourGitHubUsername -Dpassword=YourGitHubPassword at the end of the above command, though I've not found these to be necessary)
