Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund
The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.
This page provides links to resources/notes which DSpace committers use to perform various administrative activities.
Committer Guidelines
- Guidelines for Committing - Some guidelines/rules to follow when committing new code
- Tips for New Committers- Hints/Tips to get new Committers up and running.
- The Tools We Use - A quick reference (in the Tips for New Committers page) of all the various tools currently used by DSpace developers/committers.
- Developer Voting Procedures - How/when we vote & make decisions
Nominating a New Committer
- Committer Nominations - How to nominate a new Committer (anyone can submit a nomination!)
Developer Meetings & Archives
- Developer Meetings - splash page for next scheduled Developer Meeting
- Developer Meeting Archives - archive of notes from all past Developer Meetings
- Discussion - This page is essentially a parent page for a lot of Developer Discussions (proposals, brainstorms, etc.)
Committer Administrative Activities
- ReleaseCoordinating - Hints/tips on coordinating new releases
- Release Procedure - Our latest procedures for cutting new releases of the software
- NewCommitter - How to give a new committer all the appropriate access rights, etc.
- Continuous Integration - DSpace currently uses GitHub Actions
- DSpace Docker Images - notes on managing and publishing Docker images for DSpace
Content Tools