Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Reasoning on a large dataset has more consistent performance (used to slow down / crash with memory used by the search indexer)
  • Faux property resolution rewritten to greatly reduce work being repeated in the presence of multiple instances of the same property
  • RDFService has additional methods
    • CONSTRUCT that takes a Model to write into
    • SELECT that takes a ResultSetConsumer - implemented by the user - which processes each QuerySolution as it is retrieved from the ResultSet
    • Reduce latency and memory overhead of reading into a Jena model; serialising; and then re-reading into a Jena model in the calling method.
      (NB: Responsible for 20 seconds of improvement to Map of Science / Temporal Graph)
  • Replace certain uses of RDFServiceDatasetGraph with RDFService (repeated calls to find() in RDFServiceDatasetGraph responsible for some overhead)
  • RDFServiceSDB always constructs queries against the graph, and not the union model (simple optional queries much faster against the graph than the dataset)
  • Clean up of many list view SPARQL queries, removing a few redundant patterns.
  • NOTE List views that return publications (e.g. authorInAuthorship) now only resolve the editor person for publications that are either bibo:Book or bibo:BookSection (includes Chapter, etc.). This is necessary for reasonable performance when you have large publication lists that involve articles with many co-authors.

Bug Fixes

  • Pause counting on the search indexer to prevent it become accidentally unpaused during long running processes (e.g. reasoning)
  • VIVO-1059 Improved parameter binding in SparqlQueryDataGetter
  • VIVO-1075 Correct use of Jena Nodes to access typed data (MarkLogic)
  • VIVO-1046 vCard authors do not display if lacking first name
  • VIVO-1047 vCard middle names displayed before first names
  • VIVO-1038 vCard grant contributor behaves as publication author
  • VIVO-1081 Fix to display of training positions within an organisation entry
  • VIVO-1114 Broken sparklines when more than 1000 publications, etc
