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Advanced Tables - Table Plus

For communication/discussion rather than decision making


Fedora Futures and Strategies
Governance & SG/LG Elections
4.X Roadmappage
Developer Contribution Model

International representation/outreach/adoption strategy

  • We have product and resources to deploy - but need suggestions to direct this
  • Localisation
Data Mandates

Previous Actions




  1. What we heard from OR2015
    1. We had the greatest turnout for the user group plenary
    2. T-Shirts were a big hit and we should start sooner next year
    3. Islandora doing considerable work to refactor due to work in Fedora4
    4. Two greenfield deployments - Hydra North (Alberta) and Fienman School (Northwestern Medical School)
    5. Both camps Hydra and Islandora are both committed to interoperability; collaboration is great; this came up in terms of training
    6. Camel is evident in both Islandora and Hydra
    7. A lot of good discussion is coming up for a potential Fedora5- a roadmap
    8. Good feedback on the migration tools
    9. Some concern about perception of the thin showing of Hydra
      1. Lack of name in titles because there was more
      2. This impacts Fedora in an overall way
    10. We have to make sure we have larger rooms next year
    11. We have a large metadata problem in that people are covering the same ground struggling with PCDM
      1. perhaps we should put RDF lower and obscure that layer to alleviate pain
      2. this needs to be discussed more
    12. Value in making something available in Hydra or Islandora that is friendly and has perhaps museum fields or others
      1. we do not want Fedora to push Hydra, Islandora or anything else because more options are good and we want people to use Fedora regardless
    13. Fedora to continually communicate and renew the business proposition as leadership changes
      1. highlight variety of options of Fedora based solutions
      2. highlight the flexibility - if you go with proprietary you are forced to take what they are willing to do whereas you have the power to
      3. some of these people are showing up at OR in the fence between open source and pressure to consider off the shelf
      4. could we consider a "new to OR"  plus the value proposition for Islandora, Hydra and Fedora, begin to build the narrative; showcase polished products 
      5. perhaps have some time to un-conference style to get questions answered but there are some problematics issues with manager support
      6. curate camp has effectively inserted an open agenda
      7. we need to change course to provide information for the attendees to use with management or for high level managers to access
      8. contributions of papers or marketing for open source
      9. we need to look at our service providers and look at competition thru RFIs and RFPs; Hydra in a Box open opportunity and certainly DiscoveryGarden
  2. Fedora Futures and Strategies
    1. focus for the last 3 years has been replacing F3 so what do we want to focus on now? Do we want for the next phase.
    2. proposal
      1. we probably have 500 or so counting Fedora, Hydra, Islandora
      2. what would it take to have 1000 "verified" users in 2 years
      3. what should our target audience be?
      4. should be called a platform rather than a system
      5. a call for focusing fedora on services based on standards - explained well and then communicating use cases
      6. potential statement that we could all leverage
        1. Fedora supports the world's leading research and learning institutions, cultural heritage organizations, government and commercial entities.
        2. The Fedora platform delivers a stable foundation for a variety of systems and services, including locally hosted services built using Hydra, Islandora and other software stacks, as well as cloud-hosted and vendor-hosted service offerings.
        3. Lower risk, more choice, increased flexibility to meet today's needs and tomorrow's challenges and an active community pushing the boundaries
        4. Innovation by the community, shared with the community
        5. integration of technologies align with our principals
  3. Governance - Election Strategy
  4. Fedora 4.x Roadmap
  5. Developer Contributor Model
  6. International Representation, Outreach and Adoption Strategy
  7. Data Mandates
