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Comment: Posting agenda for meeting




titleFormat of Meeting

This meeting will be organized as a group discussion. Although at times one or more of us may lead discussion sections, it is meant to be a group discussion and not a series of presentations.


Please feel free to add your own ideas for meeting topics. Based on the number of topics and time available, we may need to reschedule some topics for a virtual meeting.


1:30pm : Introductions

  • Name, Institution, How are you using DSpace?, How have you customized DSpace (or anything you'd be willing to contribute back)?
  • Assign a note taker!

1:45pm - 3:00pm :  DSpace Strategic Plan & Technical RoadMap

3:00pm - 3:30pm : Coffee Break

  • Coffee to be provided in the Regency Foyer

3:30pm - 5:00pm: RoadMap Continuation, 6.0 & Open Discussion

  • Continuation of above Strategic Planning & RoadMap discussions (if necessary)
  • DSpace 6.0 Planning Release planning:
    • Rough Timeline (Proposed: "Feature PR deadline" of Mid-to-Late September -> "Feature Freeze" Mid-to-Late October -> "Testathon" Mid-November -> "Final Release" Early-to-Mid December)
    • What features/fixes are at your institution that you'd like to offer for possible inclusion in 6.0?
      • Reminder: new features need a Pull Request before "PR deadline", and require documentation
    • Discussion of any anticipated "bigger changes" (i.e. large features), and when they will be ready for early testing/analysis
    • Conscript / gather volunteers for 6.0 Release Team (RT)
  • Time Permitting:
    • Open Discussion Topics - Any topics that attendees have to discuss
    • set the timeline (PR deadline, feature freeze, final release date)
    • discuss any anticipated "big changes" and ask for estimates on when they'll be ready for testing
    • conscript/gather volunteers for the 6.0 RT
    • Compare notes on any integration or acceptance testing work under-way (see DS-2288 and DS-2397)


Sign Up to Attend!

If you're planning to attend this meeting, please add your name to the sign up sheet. This will allow us to determine a proper headcount and ensure we have enough space for everyone.
