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CategoryUse Case NamePrimary ActorRelated Topics / NotesRelated Technical Strategic Goal(s)



Priority (1-5)
(1 = highest)

DepositBatch Deposit (via UI / uploading spreadsheet)End User / AdministratorGoal 1: Fundamentals of IR,
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"
Browse/SearchBrowseEnd User
  • Basic version of this use case already exists in Discovery 
  • This particular use case implies some enhancements / cleanup
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow2
Browse/SearchClear distinction between different types of contributor involvementEnd User
  • Use case describes a problem with how contributors are treated in DSpace (via Discovery)
  • Suggests an "Author Profile" page, which is related to both the @mire "Author Profiles" module and DSpace-CRIS
Access ControlConfigure hidden communities that will not be visible to users without accessAdministrator
  • Already possible in DSpace, but it's not an "easy" thing to configure
  • Related to Discovery and Authorization / Access rights in general

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IR

Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"

EditingCrowdsourcing metadata for archived itemsEnd UserGoal 5: Low cost, "just works" Medium3
DepositCurated thumbnailsEnd User
  • Relates to the following:
    • Media Filters
    • Submission UI
Browse/SearchDiscovery and retrieval of content on mobile devicesEnd User
  • Relates to the following:
    • Discovery
    • Themes (especially Mirage2 / JSPUI on bootstrap)
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow1
DepositEasy and Intuitive Deposit InterfaceEnd User
  • Deposit interface already exists obviously, but this implies several enhancements
  • This might be as simple as cleaning it up and making it easier to use (with tooltips, etc), and adding more HTML5 functionality (e.g. drag and drop)
  • Loosely related to Admin UI - Aids and tooltips in the UI

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IR,
Goal 4: Integration with external services

Browse/SearchEnhanced access to related itemsEnd User
  • Seems like it could be easily implementable by simply hyperlinking author names, subjects and linking them to searches on those "facets" in Discovery
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow1
DepositFlexible licensingEnd User
  • Already exists to some extent in the existing CC Licensing deposit step. Unclear what enhancements would be implied to the existing functionality
Goal 4: Integration with external services Low3
User ExperienceIn-browser page turner for accessing text based materialsEnd User
  • Great idea. But may require locating tools that can either be redistributed freely, or turning this into an optional module (which requires additional tools be installed)

Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"

Browse/SearchIntelligent rendering of URL's in item MetadataEnd User
  • Seems like it could be easily implementable in Discovery
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow2
EditingItem editing by original submittersEnd User  High5
Browse/SearchSearch for itemsEnd User
  • Already exists in Discovery, but may require some minor enhancements to how searches work in Discovery
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow1
User ExperienceStreaming Video ContentEnd UserGoal 5: Low cost, "just works" High3
User ExperienceVisitor can play media hosted on an external streaming media serverEnd User
  • Closely related to use case: Streaming Video Content
  • Would require locating tools that can either be redistributed freely, or turning this into an optional module (which requires additional tools be installed)
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works" High3
User ExperienceVisual collection browsingEnd User
  • Unclear how popular this is. Could it be as simple as selecting a collection "type" (textual, image-based, etc) to enable different "themes"?
IncompleteAbility to specify the emphasis of a collection through GUIAdministrator  ?5
PreservationAdvanced Preservation - Format characterizationAdministratorGoal 1: Fundamentals of IR,
Goal 4: Integration with external services
PreservationAdvanced Preservation - Format MigrationAdministrator
  • Would need to be an integration with an external service/tool
Goal 4: Integration with external services High4
User ExperienceAids and tooltips in the UIAdministrator / End UserGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xLow / Medium1
EditingAllow collection administrators to perform bulk metadata importAdministrator
  • Directly related to existing "Batch Metadata Editing" feature (which is currently Admin only though)
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow3

Theming , Configuration

Alter messages easierAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xMedium2
ThemingApply an existing theme to a collection or community through the GUIAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh1

Configuration, Deposit

Apply an input-form to the collection through the GUIAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh1


Approval workflowsAdministrator
  • Currently flagged as incomplete simply cause this use case has no details, so it's difficult to determine if it's fully "met" by the software
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xLow4
PreservationBasic Preservation - Fixity CheckingAdministrator
  • Existing Checksum checker & reporter does some of this, but not in UI
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium2
PreservationBasic Preservation - Format identificationAdministrator
  • Current format identification is rudimentary (based on file extension). This has been an issue for some time

Goal 1: Fundamentals of IR

PreservationBasic Preservation - Format validationAdministrator
  • Is this something DSpace should do by default? Or should this really be an optional module which connects to an external service to perform validation?

Goal 4: Integration with external services

OrganizationChange community/collection parent/child relationshipAdministrator
  • Currently no easy way to perform moves of Communities or Collections, except via DB editing.
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xMedium1
Access ControlChange permissions of all the bitstreams in an itemAdministrator
  • Exists in DSpace, but not an easy task to perform
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow2
ConfigurationChanging / Editing OAI crosswalksAdministrator
  • Unclear how frequently such changes would need to be made. So, may not be a high priority for Admin UI quite yet.
OAI , Browse/SearchClear the OAI CacheAdministrator   Low3
ReportingCollection Admin can construct a Quality Control reportAdministrator
  • May need some more specific use cases (types of reports, etc), as there's a lot of possibilities here
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works" Medium3
EditingCollection Admin can select fields to include in metadata exportAdministrator
  • Directly related to making "Batch Metadata Editing" easier. You can manually delete fields after CSV export.
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works" Medium4
DuplicateConfiguration edits to dspace.cfgAdministrator----
ConfigurationConfigurations in the admin UIAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh1
IncompleteConfigure and Manage changes during an updateAdministrator   ?5
DuplicateConfigure and manage custom facetsAdministrator----

Configuration , Browse/Search

Customise which metadata fields to facet upon, search uponAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh2
DuplicateDatabase Driven Configuration Property ManagementAdministrator----
Deposit, Access ControlEmbargo functionalityAdministrator
  • DSpace already has some built in Embargo options. But, as Embargoes seem to be a hot topic, might be worth reviewing what enhancements are needed.
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow2
DuplicateEnd to end solution for user who wish to batch depositAdministrator----
Reporting, CurationEnhance the DSpace Curation System to Support a Flexible Query ToolAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works" Medium3
Preservation, ReportingFormat reportingAdministratorGoal 1: Fundamentals of IRxMedium2
DepositGenerate Handle before commiting ItemEnd User, Administrator
  • Unclear how popular / common this use case is
Goal 4: Integration with external services Medium4
Configuration, DepositManage controlled vocabulariesAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xMedium/High2
ThemingManage home pageAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh1
Configuration , Browse/SearchManage Indexes/IndexingAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xMedium1

Configuration, Deposit

Manage input formsAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh1


Move a collection and trigger a re-indexAdministrator----
DuplicateMove a communityAdministrator----
IncompletePermissions of a new user in an eperson groupAdministrator   ?5
ReportingQuality Control ReportsAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works" Low/Medium3
Browse/SearchRebuild the discovery indexAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xLow2
OAI , Browse/SearchRebuild the OAI indexAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works" Low3
DuplicateRun batch loadEnd User, Administrator----
Deposit, Browse/SearchRun media filtersAdministrator Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xLow2
ThemingTheme managementAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh1
ThemingTheme templatesAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xHigh1
Browse/SearchTrigger the re-index of a collectionAdministratorGoal 5: Low cost, "just works"xLow2
DepositUndo a bulk import from the User InterfaceAdministrator
  • Related to End User - Batch Deposit
  • If a Batch Deposit has you verify the batch prior to deposit, this "undo" may be less necessary.
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works" Medium/High3
Deposit, Access ControlUpdating a Workflow groupAdministrator
  • As noted in use case, already possible in Configurable Workflow. But not easy in the default "workflow".
Goal 1: Fundamentals of IRxLow2
DepositWorkflow Overview RejectionAdministrator
  • This is more of a bug report, but likely one to resolve
Configuration, ReportingSystem Alerts via Admin UIAdministrator
  • Relates to alerting an admin to possible configuration
  • Some alerts may be easier to implement than others
Goal 5: Low cost, "just works"xMedium2