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This will open up a console in a new window giving you command line access to the Islandora VM. Once the VM is done loading, it will prompt you for a username and password: both are ‘vagrant’. After logging in, you will be in the home directory of the running Islandora VM. You can find the VM’s Drupal instance by navigating to ‘/var/www/drupal/htdocs/’, Fedora, Solr and Tomcat are at ‘/usr/share/fedora’, ‘/usr/share/solr’ and ‘/usr/share/tomcat6’, respectively. Access the web interface by opening a browser and going to http://localhost:8181/. If you have SSH available on your local machine, you can log in to the virtual machine directly with ‘ssh -p 2222 vagrant@localhost’ and entering the password ‘vagrant’ (this is helpful if you dislike the black and white VirtualBox shell interface).

Using Vagrant

If you prefer to work from the command line or your want to easily create customized virtual Islandora instances to share with the community, consider using Vagrant. Vagrant requires VirtualBox to run, so after installing VirtualBox download Vagrant and learn the basic commands. You can find the latest Islandora Vagrantfile and provisioning scripts at; follow the instructions in the file to get it up and running.
