Versions Compared


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The Islandora framework relies upon a number of other open source applications. Before beginning the installation of any Islandora modules, ensure:


1. You have Fedora installed and properly configured:

Ensure you can use the admin tools in Fedora to ingest and purge (e.g. http://localhost:8080/fedora/admin).

2. You have Drupal installed and properly configured with:

Clean URLs enabled (admin/config/search/clean-urls) - requires the Apache mod_rewrite module to be enabled. 

The Drupal file system set to public (admin/config/media/file-system)

3. You have the Tuque library properly installed:


titleSolution Pack Dependencies

Any Islandora Solution Pack may come with a specific set of requirements and dependencies outside of the scope of the basic Islandora Installation. You will need to install any dependencies specific to a Solution Pack in order for that Solution Pack to function properly.


  1. Place the unpackaged module in your site's 'modules' folder, with the name stripped out of the version. For single-site installations, this should almost always be in your_drupal_directoryin /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules. This can be done using one of two methods:
    • Manually via the command line:

      Code Block
      titleGit Unzip method
      # cd /public_html/your_drupal_directory/sites/all/modules
      # git clone -b 7.x
      Code Block
      titleUnzip method
      cd /public_html/your_drupal_directory
      # cp -R /opt/downloads/islandora /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules
      wget# cd https:/var/github.comwww/Islandoradrupal/islandorasites/archive/
      # At this point, you should consider changing ownership of the directory and its contents to the webserver user (i.e. if using Apache and the user is www-data):
      # chown -R www-data:www-data islandora-7.x
    • From within Drupal: navigate to base-site-url/admin/modules/install. From here, either upload the zipped module, or enter into the text box there. Note that this method is less reliable, as it requires the correct permissions to have been previously set up using your web server


  2. Enable the uploaded module by navigating to base-site-url/admin/modules, scrolling down to the Islandora module (in the 'Islandora' category), checking the box to the left of it, and then scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the 'Save configuration' button.


At the end of this installation, you will be ready to populate your site with digital assets and be capable of using any installed Solution Packs. Your root Islandora repository can be found at base-site-url/islandora.

Create a milestone 5 snapshot backup:

Code Block
# $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/
# /etc/init.d/mysql stop
# /etc/init.d/apache stop

# cd /usr/local 
# tar -cvzf fedora-milestone5.tar.gz fedora

# cd /var/lib 
# tar -cvzf mysql-milestone5.tar.gz mysql

# cd /var/www
# tar -cvzf drupal-milestone5.tar.gz drupal

# /etc/init.d/mysql start
# $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/
# /etc/init.d/apache start