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The Fedora Generic Search Service, or GSearch, is a search service installed with Fedora that allows for automatic updating of the Lucene/Solr index. GSearch relies on JMS to receive messages that are sent when Fedora objects are ingested, modified or purged. This keeps the Lucene index in sync with the Fedora repository.

How Islandora uses Solr/Lucene and Gsearch

Islandora makes it possible to use the power of Solr/Lucene for discovery. Gsearch is used as a method for keeping indexes current. When an item is ingested, the FOXML is transformed by an XSLT file stored in Gsearch into a format that can be read by Solr's schema and returned based on the request handlers in our custom solrconfig.xml.


While Solr is not required to run Islandora, it is recommended.

Installing Solr and GSearch

1. Download GSearch 2.6, unzip and copy fedoragsearch.war to the Tomcat webapps folder ($CATALINA_HOME/webapps).


15. GSearch and Solr will need to be further configured to index specific datastreams. Sample GSearch and Solr configurations can be found here and here.

Installing & Configuring the Solr Search Module

The Islandora Solr search module allows you to search the Solr index.  The Islandora Solr Sample Configuration module provides default display profiles to the module. The module makes four new blocks available; two for search and two for display.  The other block is called the Advanced Search Block and does fielded searches against the Solr index.  Both blocks would use whatever request handler is configured in the module settings. For information on how to configure the Solr module, see Chapter 4 - Search and Discovery in Islandora (The Solr Module).
