Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


3. You should see something like this:



Setting XACML Policies

Install required polices, remove some restrictive policies.

Repository Information View
Repository Name: Fedora Repository

Base URL:     http://localhost:8080/fedora
Version:     3.7.0
PID Namespace:     changeme
PID Delimiter:     :
Sample PID:     changeme:100
Retain PID Namespace:     *
OAI Namespace:
OAI Delimiter:     :
Sample OAI Identifier:
Sample Search URL:     http://localhost:8080/fedora/objects
Sample Access URL:     http://localhost:8080/fedora/objects/demo:5
Sample OAI URL:     http://localhost:8080/fedora/oai?verb=Identify
Admin Email:
Admin Email:

Setting XACML Policies

Install required polices, remove some restrictive policies.

  1. First stop your Fedora instance by running:$FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/
  2. Remove they deny-purge policies:

    Code Block
  3. First stop your Fedora instance by running:$FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/
  4. Remove they deny-purge policies:

    Code Block
    titleCommand Line to remove "deny-purge" policies
    $ rm -v /usr/local/fedora/data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies/default/deny-purge-*
  5. Navigate to the Fedora "repository-policies" directory:

    Code Block
    titleCommand Line to create islandora specific remove "deny-purge" policies
    $ rm cd-v /usr/local/fedora/data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies/default/deny-purge-*
  6. Navigate to the Fedora "repository-policies" directory:Download / Clone the Islandora specific XACML policies from the Islandora GitHub XACML Policies repo

    Code Block
    titleCommand Line to create islandora specific policies
    $ cd /usr/local/fedora/data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies/
  7. Download / Clone the Islandora specific XACML policies from the Islandora GitHub XACML Policies repo

    Code Block
    $ git clone git clone islandora


  1. Open the $FEDORA_HOME/data/fedora-xacml-policies/repository-policies/default/deny-apim-if-not-localhost.xml in your favorite editor
  2. Locate the text:

    Code Block
    &lt;AttributeValue DataType="<a href=""></a>"&gt;;/AttributeValue&gt;
  3. Duplicate this line for every IP address you wish to access Fedora from (i.e. your Islandora Drupal server, your desktop computer, etc).
    For example

    Code Block
    <AttributeValue DataType=""></AttributeValue>
    <AttributeValue DataType=""></AttributeValue>

    The Fedora default XACML policies can be restored to their default state at any time by simply removing the 'default' directory, and stopping/starting Fedora. Always backup your polices first before doing this!

    Start up Fedora by using the startup command from step 8:

    Code Block

    . Always backup your polices first before doing this!

  4. Start up Fedora by using the startup command from step 8:

    Code Block
  5. Access the Fedora Web Administrator: http://localhost:8080/fedora/admin and ensure you can ingest and purge objects.

Create a milestone 1 snapshot backup:

Code Block
# $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/
# /etc/init.d/mysql stop
# /usr/local 
# tar -cvzf fedora-milestone1.tar.gz fedora
# cd /var/lib 
# tar -cvzf mysql-milestone1.tar.gz mysql
# /etc/init.d/mysql start
# $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/




For information on using Fedora, make use of the tutorials at the Fedora Commons site.
