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Strategic Theme Goals - Aggregated

Theme: Community

Enhance commuications through concise and timely articles, blogs, tweets, and email messages.
Enhance commuications through an improved and updated web presence.
Increase the number of contributors and the work they do to support software development, ontology development, and other activities in the community.
Simplify the VIVO management structure. (Decrease layers?, reduce working groups?, reduce meetings?)
Develop a transparent governance structure and related processes to facilitate setting strategy and developing goals that translate into clear leadership for the VIVO community.
Develop a Community Engagement strategy to facilitate the creation of an inclusive community model that clearly explains what we do and why we do it (value). Make it clear how new and existing members can effectively participate to meet local and community goals.
Develop key partnerships outside the VIVO community (ORCID, W3C, FORCE11, CASRAI, CRIS, SciEnCV, etc.)
Develop a current list of all known VIVO instances, the primary purposes they serve, and links to their sites.

Theme: Sustainability

Develop a clear value proposition for VIVO that explains the benefits of VIVO, the data model and the ontology.
Increase adoption by growing installed base.
Increase fund-raising, in-kind contributions, and related resources to meet expanding community and technical needs.
Become laser focused on goals and deliverables.
Establish an evolving road map and evaluation process based on strategic priorities that reflects the best ideas from our community and points out where our biggest challenges are.
Develop a clear understanding of VIVO's integration with other DuraSpace projects that support research and data.
Create an inclusive and welcoming community culture that is trust-based, possesses positive energy, operates according to democratic principles, encourages feedback and new ideas from users, facilitates participation, aligns with VIVO's mission, is resilient and easily adapts to change.
Clearly identify and aggressively promote the membership benefits to institutions who sign on to become members.
Develop a thorough understanding of the competitive landscape and VIVO's market position.

Theme: Technology

Enhance integration in the software stack and across multiple systems (e.g. ORCID, CERIF, CRediT, SciENcv, Fedora, Profiles, PURE, CONVERIS, Loki). 
Develop VIVO Search for cross-institutional and cross-platform use, thus expanding the capabilities to existing and future VIVO users.
Increase and enhance VIVO features. Prioritize which features to enhance (e.g. researcher personalization, search engine optimization, grants management, discoverability, display and visualization, and simplified templates).
Improve/increase VIVO core modularity with plug and play reasoners, triple stores, and search engines, e.g., to allow 3rd-party and user-developed functionality to be more easily integrated.
Optimize performance of VIVO.
Simplify the installation, ingest, and implementation of VIVO.
Institute a distributed, team-based development and release management process for all VIVO project work.
Ensure ontology developers are user-oriented with an eye on practical performance. Clarify VIVO-ISF ontology development for the VIVO project and ontology development for non-VIVO systems.
Grow the technical support community.
Determine if VIVO will continue to be primarily a single web application to serve nearly all implementation needs or if the VIVO development community will move towards providing a group of ala carte solutions (e.g. Hydra-like model).
Clarify the role of Vitro.
Simplify requirements and reduce efforts to upgrade to new versions of VIVO. Support backwards compatibility.
Researcher personalisation: allowing some look and feel choice (citation style etc)
Develop visualization tools to replace the non-supported suite developed at Indiana.
Extend VIVO-ISF ontology into more disciplines (e.g. Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities). Provide input for use-case driven ontology development.
Make community-based VIVO apps and tools discoverable, reusable, maintainable
Encourage more VIVO implementers to share their extensions and open-source software.