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NOTE: Indexing Drupal Content in Islandora Solr's index is not required, but it is a feature some users have requested


Indexing Islandora Fedora and Drupal Content in the same Solr index allows sites to simplify searching for end users by allowing them to search all content from one search interface. To search across Drupal and Fedora content you will have to modify your solr schema.xml and you will also need to update the Islandora Solr search results to make them aware of Drupal content, there are a couple of ways to modify the results but they will involve some code modifications.


Islandora will not know how to properly display a result created from a Drupal node so you will either have to add a custom Islandora Solr display profile or use the theme layer to preprocess the results, there are examples of creating a custom display profile in the islandora_solr_module.

To modify results in your theme you could create a function called themename_preprocess_islandora_solr(&$variables). In this function you could check for a field that will only exist with drupal content, for instance bundle_name, and if it is not empty you could modify the thumbnail and the url used to link back to the content.


Modifying the results by using a theme_preprocss hook is probably the easist way to modify your results but is probably also the most brittle. For instance if you change your theme your results page may break.


If you are using a Drupal multi-site setup and you have more than one Drupal site's content in Solr you will probably want to filter on the site field or the hash field to limit results to just the drupal site you are viewing. This can be done in the Islandora Solr Settings -> Query defaults config page or you can setup a custom request handler in the solrconfig.xml.

TODO: Document how to filter drupal content by site.


Content by Label
labelssolr search