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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time (GMT–4 in daylight savings, GMT-5 standard time) – convert to your time at

View and edit this page permanently at, or use the temporal Google Doc for collaborative note taking during the call.


Upcoming Events

  • DuraSpace Sponsor Summit: March 11-12 in Washington DC

    • VIVO Project Sponsors that plan to attend in person or remotely should contact Kathryn by email if you have questions

    • People who are attending (in person?) -- Paul Albert, Mike Conlon, Dean Krafft, Julia Trimmer, Alex Viggio

  • 2014 VIVO Implementation Fest: Wednesday & Thursday, March 19-20, at Duke University in Durham, NC

  • Friday March 21 morning working sessions, 9 am to noon
    • Paolo Mangiafico at Duke will be leading a Symplectic Elements user group meeting  
    • There will be a half-day working/training session on using Protégé 4.3 with the VIVO-ISF ontology
    • There will be a VIVO technical road map working session to describe potential work elements and explore options to support review, comments, and voting, either through JIRA or

      • Jim Blake would very much like to get feedback about the road map and relative priorities, not just among new development tasks, but among development, documentation, and more examples
  • CASRAI U.S. Summit on Wednesday, April 9 at the American Psychological Association headquarters in Washington, DC -- will be discussing alignment of VIVO ontology and CASRAI as well as the european standard, CERIF, and the new U.S. SciENCV reporting format

  • Other VIVO-related events? We plan to centralize VIVO event listings/calendars in one place soon, and will link to this here

Annual survey of VIVO sites?


  • Brown (Ted)

    • Provost is introducing Brown’s VIVO to faculty chairs meeting today.  Final steps for public launch.

    • Planning final data migration from existing research profile system that should take place next week so all current data is migrated over prior to releasing it to faculty for editing on an opt-in model to capture additional data

    • Updating Vagrant install for iFest

    • Both Steven and Ted will be at the i-Fest

  • Colorado (Alex)

    • No major VIVO updates

    • helping with IFest planning

    • Some queries from new group at CU about tracking equipment who would like it to end up in VIVO

      • a question of where to enter and edit that data, since the public VIVO is read-only at CU

      • Don -- would it help to see what LASP is doing?

  • Cornell (Jon, Brian, Jim, Tim, et al)

    • The RDF that we publish as linked open data in 1.6 needs correction, which will motivate us to go ahead with 1.6.1, hopefully before the Hackathon

      • This will affect the VIVO Vagrant instance for the Hackathon

    • Joe McEnerney is doing work to update our whole infrastructure for importing from the Activity Insight faculty reporting tool

  • Duke (Sheri and Richard)

    • Focus on VIVO go-live for School of Arts & Sciences in early March

    • adding additional meta-data related to geo-focus to indicate whether related to teaching, research, or other activities

  • Florida (Chris)

    • Working on more automated ingests for Grants.

    • Github site for Mike’s Python shared work. 

    • Planning for Hackathon

    • Updated the CHANGELOG for the Harvester on github to reflect 1.5 release. created 1.5 release tag. Ted and Chris now have commit access to Harvester repo, and will work with Stephen to help transfer maintainer responsibility.

    • Would love to have additional help from the community using the Harvester, including the SEAD project (Isuru)

  • LASP (Don)

    • integrating dcat and vivo stack ontologies to disseminate dataset information via web. This will replace: with dynamic data fed from VIVO. Visual prototype complete. Planned go live perhaps in April-May. This will lead to LASP having a public SPARQL endpoint

      • users in solar science community around the world, as an input for many different modeling projects for climate change and other domains

      • Question: is there any “plug & play” Google Analytics-like web analytics solution for SPARQL endpoints? Might still be hard to interpret how the data are really being used

      • Question: do DOIs help with tracking use of data sets? raises questions of maintaining the DOIs with subsequent versions, and need to have a landing page for each DOI (perhaps another use for VIVO like Deep Carbon project)

      • The W3C Dataset ontology initiative led by Michel Dumontier of Stanford is looking to extend DCAT to support representing multiple versions -- talk to Melissa at IFest

    • Don and Mik will attend hackathon. Don will attend full Ifest.

  • Memorial (Max)

    • No major updates this week

  • Scripps (Michaeleen)

    • no update; would find a survey of different sites’ production environments useful

  • Stony Brook (Tammy)

    • no update this week

  • UCLA (David)

    • Reported through a call with Cornell that they will be exploring the web service feature of 1.6, using SPARQL update for real-time updates

    • Starting to implement some of the modules for Opus, more data modeling, and prototyping. The back-end database will be MS SQL Server, the UCLA department standard; the main language will be Java using Spring Data JPA API for data access, abstracted from the back-end data store -- anything JDBC, RDF, no-relational databases, etc. -- while a consistent API for the application

      • may or more likely may not use the Spring Data RDF

      • newer technology -- maybe post a 101 link or two here

    • hopes to attend the I-Fest

  • UCSF (Eric) -- couldn’t attend call but is booked to be at IFest

  • Virginia Tech (Keith)

    • Waiting for some licenses to support VIVO project

    • hopes to attend IFest

Notable list traffic


See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads

Call-in Information

  • Date: Every Thursday, no end date
  • Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Meeting Number: 641 825 891

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