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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time (GMT–4 in daylight savings, GMT-5 standard time) – convert to your time at

View and edit this page permanently at, or use the temporal Google Doc for collaborative note taking during the call.


Upcoming Events

  • DuraSpace Sponsor Summit: March 11-12 in Washington DC

    • VIVO Project Sponsors that plan to attend in person or remotely should contact Kathryn by email if you have questions

    • people we know are attending -- Paul, Mike Conlon,

  • 2014 VIVO Implementation Fest: Wednesday & Thursday, March 19-20, at Duke University in Durham, NC

  • Friday March 21 morning working sessions, 9 am to noon
    • Paolo Mangiafico at Duke
  • has created a poll to determine interest in an Symplectic Elements-related meeting for other IFest attendees. He's included poll times that overlap with the iFest program, but suspects that the best times will be on Tuesday or Friday before or after the main VIVO program. There's also the possibility of organizing an informal/social dinner one of the evenings of the iFest, either in addition to or instead of a more formal meeting, so he included some evening times too.
    • will be leading a Symplectic Elements user group meeting  
    • There will be a half-day working/training session on using Protégé 4.3 with the VIVO-ISF ontology
    • There will be a VIVO technical road map working session to describe potential work elements and explore options to support review, comments, and voting, either through JIRA or

  • If you're interested in meeting, please indicate your preferences here:
  • CASRAI U.S. Summit on Wednesday, April 9 at the American Psychological Association headquarters in Washington, DC -- will be discussing alignment of VIVO ontology and CASRAI as well as the european standard, CERIF, and the new U.S. SciENCV reporting format

  • Other VIVO-related events? We plan to centralize VIVO event listings/calendars in one place soon, and will link to this here

Annual survey of VIVO sites?

  • how many FTEs work on VIVO (and what is their domain expertise?)

  • what data are captured

  • what additional tools are used

  • (production environment specs/config?)

  • can put the results in 

  • perhaps do a dry run at the I-Fest

  • (useful for DuraSpace to understand community growth, member prospects?) 


  • Brown

  • Colorado

  • Cornell

  • Duke

  • Florida

  • Memorial

  • RPI

  • Scripps

  • Stony Brook

  • Texas A&M

  • UCLA

  • UCSF

  • Virginia Tech

  • Weill Cornell

  • any others?

Notable list traffic

Trouble starting Tomcat after upgrade to VIVO 1.6

Apps and Tools Call 1 PM eastern 2/18/14; Demo by Mike Conlon

VIVO Apps andd Tools Call 12 recording - NIH Biosketch tool

vivo with the bitnami tomcat stack working - 500 error on rdf ingest

Harvester 1.5 Code

Using fuseki with VIVO 1.6

ingesting RDF already modeled with VIVO Ontology

See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads

Call-in Information

  • Date: Every Thursday, no end date
  • Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Meeting Number: 641 825 891

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