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VIVO v1.6 still ships with U.S. English as the default language; we have a test bundle prepared using Google Translate a set of files for testing only of a Spanish version of VIVO, is available and we expect an announcement soon of an official contributed version prepared by VIVO community members.

Web services

VIVO 1.6 introduces important new functionality in the form of a web service designed to accept SPARQL update commands authenticated via username and password. One primary motivation for adding a write capability is to ingest data into VIVO that triggers updates to the search index as well as performing any needed re-inferencing.  The VIVO Harvester has previously been able to write to the VIVO database directly by issuing Jena library calls, but using the VIVO web service will avoid the extra step of rebuilding the VIVO search index and re-computing inferences after each Harvester run.

The web service implements SPARQL 1.1 Update to be continued ...allow other applications to write to VIVO via a well-documented standard.  The write capability of the VIVO web service can be used in conjunction with linked data requests, VIVO's internal SPARQL query interface, or a SPARQL endpoint such as Fuseki to accomplish round-tripping of VIVO data in other applications ranging from lightweight JavaScript visualizations tools to full-scale web applications. Several VIVO community members leverage the native RDF capabilities of the Drupal open-source web content management system to create dashboards that re-purpose VIVO data, and with the new web service these independent applications will be able to create, update, and delete as well as read VIVO data.

Chris Barnes from the University of Florida is leading a new VIVO Apps & Tools working group highlighting existing tools via demos and discussions via biweekly calls.