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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time (GMT-5) – convert to your time at – and note that the U.S. is on daylight savings time.

Google Doc for notes






Notable implementation and development list issues

  • anything more on Fuseki behind Apache (Stephen)

    • Requires a unique domain name example --

    • possible opportunity for our community to contribute to Fuseki project, e.g. use case/requirements, documentation, extend code to support /fuseki behind Apache, extend code to fix limited “pages” implementation (makes several assumptions, .tpl mime type issue)

  • Scholars @ Duke – can we see what sharing publications to another website offers to a logged-in user? uses the code development on the VIVO Widgets mini-grant in 2011

    • uses upstart to run in a separate JVM

    • code is on GitHub -- VIVO widgets -- will need some improvements to the listener to real-time update of its separate Solr index

    • people want overviews, contact information, keywords -- people like the JSON format

    • can in the future consider a SPARQL endpoint for more flexibility

  • Web Stats for VIVO sites (Alex) – Had lunch with some local web and mobile app startup founders and they spent a good portion of lunch talking about the analytics tools they were using. It seemed like most used Google Analytics (GA), but had moved beyond GA and were praising Mixpanel ( and Chartbeat ( as alternatives that were more accessible than GA for startups (aka small teams with no analyst FTEs). 
    • Does anyone have experience with Mixpanel or Chartbeat?
    Making a downloadable CSV of search results (Stephen) - Pull Request 
  • see also VIVO 1.6 release planning in this wiki

    multi-language and caching support are significant aspects of the work

Call-in Information

Date: Every Thursday, no end date
