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  • What does the project need to be successful?
    • financial contributions
    • developer contributions
    • articulation of requirements
  • How to increase engagement with the community?
    • new models of funding (membership?)
    • stronger project governance?
    • other forms of communication?

Greatest needs in the community summary:

1) Need a roadmap - need a vision of what DSpace should be in the next 3 to 5 years

  • DSpace Committers are busy with bug fixes, releases and reviewing the many contributions – making sure they play well together - don't really have time to focus on the evolution of DSpace architecture and long term road map 

2) Need governance for stakeholders to go along with additional funding and long term roadmap

DSpace Futures 

  • Futures discussions came down to three main projects
    hope - hope was that DSpace futures would turn into something like Fedora Futures,  turned instead seemed to have turned into other smaller functionality projects, not necessarily a roadmap
    • REST API
    • DSpace + Hydra
    • Metadata Improvements
    • not very many volunteers so far  
  • Fedora folks community may have more developer resources, many DSpace institutions may not have developer resources

How do we energize the DSpace community?

  • Is DSpace a product or project? 
  • more of a push to develop a DSpace user community more at conferences - set up BoF at your next conference
  • more participation in DCAT and ambassador group
  • need specifics to ask for money
  • need community to be in charge of what changes need to be made, actionable items and identify people charged with doing it
  • have a membershiop model for smaller institutions to fund DSpace improvements tying a deliverable to $$ improvements
    • maybe different funding model, e.g.,  
      • tie requisition to deliverable
      • adoption, patch, upgrade
      • "bill me" size of institution
      • membership depending on size of instutition
  • need community to specify what needs to be done - need specifics to ask for development money, tying a specific deliverable to $$
  • everyone looking at DuraSpace to create roadmap, but the community needs to lead
  • DSpace community

Should DSpace be UI that sits on top of Fedora?

  • Fedora 4 will still not be an out-of-the box system until UI is on there, no UI
  • should there be a DSpace Hydra head DSpace could be UI that sits on top of Fedora
  • Committers are busy with bug fixes, releases and reviewing the many contributions – making sure they play well together - don't really have time to focus on the evolution of DSpace architecture and long term road map 
  • Started DSpace Future focus groups w/small projects, but still not a long term roadmap
  • should this include Hydra Head or some other type of Fedora/DSpace integration?
    • not an enterprise system, doesn't scale
    • DSpace-like Hydra head: scholarSphere (PSU) and hydris (Stanford) 
  • is it a grant project to merge DSpace with Fedora?
  • DuraSpace should scope the project
  • need specifics on what needs to be done/how to contribute
  • Issues
    • Roadmap
      • includes migration to Fedora 
    • energizing the user community
      • need specifics to ask for development money
      • need community to specify what needs to be done
      • everyone looking at DuraSpace to create roadmap, but DuraSpace wants community to lead
      • DSpace community
        • maybe different funding model, e.g., membership 
          • tie requisition to deliverable
          • adoption, patch, upgrade
        • "bill me"
        • size of institution

DSpace community is bifurcated community

  • smaller institutions with limited resources - 

  • folks without IT support
  • could hosted DSpaceDirect address this need (SAAS)
  • other
  • community 
  • community
    • institutions with needs where they've outgrown DSpace platform
    • contemplating exit strategy
    • need to contribute to
  • reenvision
    • re-envision / modify DSpace


  • need a steering group
  • could DCAT could serve in product-owner role
  • ?
  • - representing non-sponsors?
  • centralized technical vision and technical leadership
  • need a steering group
  • Governance 
      Centralized Technical Vision and Technical Leadership
    • how to ensure that features integrate well?
    • do we need a steering group
    • may need a DSpace Project Director
    • project director role - either funded or contributed in-kind by the community
  • Roadmap
    • Scoping project to see if DSpace-on-Fedora is viable
      • DuraSpace should scope (David) 
      • Need "dead-simple" migration path


  • Need repository managers involved in strategic vision
  • steering group needs mix of technologists, administrators, repository managers

 not an enterprise system, doesn't scale