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  • Existing set of things that we have found out about from the community that we are working on
  • Put 95% of F3 in 2 days into F4
  • Not positive that we should carry some things forward lie XCML in its current form
  • Why not do more roadmap development; trying to avoid the mistakes of the past of going dark and then doing the big reveal to find out that it's not what you want
  • We should build quickly with quantifiable experiments and get early feedback from the community (Eddie)
  • Metrics and reporting: as academia changes how people are evaluated then we get to be part of the infrastructure of the university; are you working with others on what a usage report would look like? Should be part of requirements development
  • Partial effort to gather input from users--survey or something?
  • Phone, wiki, conf call are not that good?
  • Should we do a face-to-face hackathon for non-developers; need a deep conversation about what the user community needs

What have you heard?

  • makes me want to contribute more back  (need to do a little clean up) instead of working on something else (Sid from Rice)
  • we knew this day was coming – funded thru grants, at some point something needs to change – this is it – the point where we have to step up a little bit
  • distribute slides: want numbers – Tyler Walters slides 1.4 FTE – spending so little money in this area, that we need more allocated – I want to double what we spend
  • grant $s get whacked by research office – 50% taken off – can’t some of that money help the projects?
  • need to make the case that we aren’t just books and stacks
  • terminology does matter – project/product/program – maybe program is better – program that spins off projects
  • DuraSpace hasn’t broght some of these concerns sooner – need to know what the challnges are we Fedora
  • Fedora needs to be backward compatable
  • really keen to do open source except when it gets hard
  • what is the governance model – how do we make it better
  • funding modeles and ROI – we are the choir, we are making the case at our institutions
  • governanace/stakeholder engagement – project level and DuraSpace, moving from appointed to elected boards – have some people involved besides just technical
  • more communication for roadmapping - 
  • F & D community can’t sit still
  • heard fin position
  • surpised that projects are in the red and that it isn’t a problem
  • how do we get general presevation problem funded – long term access might be a better way to think about it – current $s vs endowment – and other funding for the whole stack
  • both projects are mature, dev is difuse, might not be a good dvelopmetn strategy – look at other models – consolidating resources to make pushes (like Kuali) –
  • governance – how to dev roapmap
  • developing a common pitch for provost

What do you have concerns about? (val)

  • we were told we are not in crisis, but are we really in crisis?
  • urgency – physical backlog of books vs. a digital backlog – digital resources are vulernable
  • many people on campus don’t agree that we need an IR
  • 70% or organizations resources are dedicated on physical objects
  • only 10% of our adopter community that are sponsoring – needs to be higher
  • would be good to have an easy way to get from DSpace to Fedora – maybe that is a priority of the community to work on
  • how do we make sure non-sponsors are included in community
  • multiple 20K sponsorship needs
  • deficiets of D & F are a concern, can they be resolved
  • need to support community at large, risk factors on relying on just one person
  • need more ULs here – need to broaden the base of supporters
  • shocked at how low sponsorship rate is – thought it was higher
  • donations to broad community effort  - DuraSpace – how does contributions benefit the platforms
  • excitement around FF project – not an equivelent for DSpace – possible neglect
  • same/usual suspects that contribute – fatigue – need to expand contributions (financial and inkind) by other inst.

What has inspired you?

  • urgency of the digital dark age
  • good to know DuraSpace not in crisis
  • we have to take ownership and DuraSpace seems to be the place to take ownership
  • how Lyrasis position’s itself as a svc – maybe DuraSpace would posistion itelf that way
  • by the financial position of DuraSpace
  • excelleration of the createion of dig data – is there a space to consider policy workflow layers so we don’t all re-create
  • openess and transparency
  • ROI discussion from Tyler
  • Tyler – how much actual $ spent – suggests there is a lot of pontential upside – but how do we get there
  • James stack – helped
  • we are not dealing with digital humanities we are dealing with humanities that are digital

What unanswered questions do you have?

  • Fedora – curiousity about additional investment – how much funding is needed – long term, short term, etc.
  • what governance model would be effective
  • need governance roadmap going forward
  • more roadmap discussions
  • more ways to particpate
  • can we expand community of users
  • can we expand ways projects use
  • can we identify all who use Fedora
  • more sharing of knowledge and expertise
  • can we have a slide deck about meta issues for F & D
  • making the invisiable visable
  • do we take a bundled approach
  • should Duraspace reach out to other orgs
  • what are the other governance models used
  • how does this relate to digital preservation /better communicate value prop of how DuraSpace fits into this larger value proposition
  • share value propsition for selling to leadership
  • we need a louder roadmap about going forward