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These calls now use WebEx and have no limit on the number of attendees – see the "Call-in Information" at the bottom of this page.


  • Brown -
  • Buffalo -
  • Colorado -
  • Cornell -
  • Duke -
  • Florida -
  • Indiana - 
  • Johns Hopkins -
  • Memorial University -
  • NYU -
  • Scripps -
  • Stony Brook -
  • UCSF - 
  • Weill Cornell -
  • other -

2013 Implementation Fest plans

  • Thursday and Friday, April 25-26 have been selected as the dates for the VIVO Implementation Fest.
  • A community hands-on development day is planned as an optional additional activity on Saturday the 27th.
  • The 2013 VIVO Implementation Fest page has basic information on transportation and hotels and will be fleshed out in the coming weeks as the schedule is confirmed. The 2012 VIVO Implementation Fest page has additional information about last year's schedule and presentations.

Notable implementation and development list traffic

  • (Ted at Brown) Custom template for a top-level organization
  • (Jim at Cornell)  "At the end of March, I plan to change the VIVO build script and documentation to require Java 7. If you are working from the develop branch, make sure you are compiling and running with Java 7, or you will be unhappy. Let me know if you foresee any problems with this change." More info at:
  • (Giuseppe @ University of London) Ingesting research areas from an XML file
    • If I harvest just two people with a common research area, all works properly, but if I harvest a larger amount, the research area is displayed within the person's page, but the list of people is not present on the area's
      own page – Does this suggest a memory issue (i.e. the inference engine having to calculate inverse properties over a dataset that is too big)?
    • Note that I've made it so the research area is only ever shared by at most two people, so the problem doesn't seem to lay in the inference on a subset, rather on the size of the full dataset (over 40,000 records). Any ideas?
  • (Michael @ Colorado LASP) Trying to exactly replicate a complete system from machine to machine; a SQL dump would probably be a good way to handle this on an occasional basis.
    • As for the longer answer to what our actual end goal is… In our shop, we’d like to carry an exhaustive instance of VIVO internally, with both the data we’d like to display publically as well as some sensitive metadata about configuration management, storage hardware, billing information, etc that cannot be exposed.  All updates to our metadata information will feed into this instance.  Additionally, we’d like to push a subset of this information (that doesn’t include the sensitive stuff) into a public space for read-only access, probably on something like a nightly basis. Do you think it be feasible (and scalable) to do a full SQL dump of our DB on a nightly basis to accomplish this?  Assuming it were, we could simply store all the sensitive information in a separate JENA model and drop that before we expose it to the public, yes?
  • (John @ Cornell) I want to use VIVO for authentication but just use the Persons vivo:primaryEmail property as the “user name” (externalAuthId) for user accounts ...


Call-in Information

Topic: VIVO weekly call

Date: Every Thursday, no end date

Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

Meeting Number: 641 825 891

To join the online meeting

To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:

If those links don't work, please visit the Cornell meeting page and look for a VIVO meeting.

To join the audio conference only

Access code:645 873 290

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