Versions Compared


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    • Libraries and Linked Data/Semantic Web
    • Open access, library metadata and Linked Data/Semantic Web
    • Institutional repository metadata and the Semantic Web
    • Harvesting and sharing of metadata in the new environment
    • Incorporating Linked Data into library information systems
    • Authority control, vocabularies and Linked Data/Semantic Web
    • Rights and license management in the Semantic Web
    • Linked Data and MARC and non-MARC (EAD, Dublin Core, etc.) library metadata
    • Migration of MARC and non-MARC library metadata to new systems and platforms
    • Conversion and mapping of MARC and non-MARC library metadata to RDF and Linked Data
    • Data clean-up in preparation for migration/conversion

Notable development and implementation list traffic

  • When I run apache and set the tomcat server.xml for connection, vivo does connect to tomcat via apache without the 8080 and '/vivo', but it cannot connect to vivosolr – because everything runs clean under tomcat, I still believe my problem is with mod_jk configuration
  • How can I do complex termSearches with the pubmed harvester that require parenthesis?
  • Help with listViewConfig and propStatement modification
  • 1.5.1 logging issues
  • Need to configure Tomcat with Memcached
  • Building with ant war with Weblogic and Glassfish
  • Still nobody able to get sparql update working with Fuseki?
  • Research areas – where/how to create an xml sniplet for the research


  •   area and ingest it
  • I would much rather do without any  reliance on SDB as it is very slow and does not scale. OWLIM has a very fast built in OWL2 RL reasoner, which removes the  need for any Vitro-side inferencing in the Jena style (which accounts  for a lot of the speed loss) ... I managed to setup VIVO from Github with the SPARQL backend (and without the simple reasoner). However, triples I add to the tripestore do not show up in the interface (even though the indexer notices them). May have something to do with using skos:prefLabel instead of rdfs:label ...
  • Solr to speed page load times for people with 100+ publications? Some doubts expressed on the list ...
    • From a development point of view,  you then have some bits of the page accessed by Jena api calls, some via SPARQL and some via SOLR... I have an aversion to this
    • there's a script we run that does an HTTP GET on each faculty member  page with more than a threshold number of publications.   (We usually  use 200 as our threshold, but 100 would work as well.)  Our mysql server  has a large enough cache that once those pages have been fetched once,  they're typically quite a bit faster to load on later fetches.
  • Other topics as time permits

Call-in Information

Topic: VIVO weekly call
