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The Solr module comes with support for DC and MODS searching and faceting to support our solution packs. When Solr is installed, six additional blocks appear under administer>site building>blocksStructure>Blocks:

Islandora simple search - provides a simple full-text search of all items in the repository. A term will appear, no matter where it appears in the metadata. 


By placing these blocks in regions of your site and configuring the Solr module under administer>Islandora Solr Islandora>Solr client, you can facilitate both full-text searching and faceted searching of items ingested using Solution Packs. The basic configuration of Solr can be modified to change the weight of search fields, and extend the out-of-the-box functionality. Information for doing this is provided in Chapter 7 - Customizing Islandora.


2. Verify the Solr URL and Request Handler

The Solr URL should be So, for example, if you’re using the Islandora Virtual Machine Image, your Solr URL should be, or if using a local installation it should be localhost:8080/solr. If the URL is correct you will see a green check mark.


You can also restrict your search results to a particular namespace. This is useful if there are multiple sites using the same repository and you want to block search results from the other sites. Remember that the namespace is the first half of the PID – everything before the colon. 

3. Set the Default and Secondary Display Profiles

You can modify the way results are displayed by configuring the default display profile. You can choose from Fields List (default), Bookmark, MapsGrid, and Simple Table. Switching back and forth between different display profiles is simple, so feel free to experiment and see which profile best suits your site.

Secondary display profiles provide optional secondary outputs for search results. Out-of-the-box, support for CSV output is provided. Selecting this option will place a CSV button next to your search results.

Image RemovedThe Secondary Profiles that appear in the Solr Config screen are generated by the Solr Sample Configuration Module.Image Added

4. Configure Search Block Repetition
