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The Solr module comes with support for DC and MODS searching and faceting to support our solution packs. When Solr is installed, four six additional blocks appear under administer>site building>blocks:

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Islandora simple search - provides a simple full-text search of all items in the repository. A term will appear, no matter where it appears in the metadata. 

Advanced Search Islandora advanced search - provides a configurable search for users, where specific metadata fields can be searched and combined with boolean operators.

Current Query Islandora query - when a user is viewing a set of search results by facet, this block will show the current filters being applied in the search.

Islandora Facet Blockfacets - this block will show users the facets they can use to explore search results.

Islandora displays - ?

Islandora sort -  ?

By placing these blocks in regions of your site and configuring the Solr module under administer>Islandora Solr client, you can facilitate both full-text searching and faceted searching of items ingested using Solution Packs. The basic configuration of Solr can be modified to change the weight of search fields, and extend the out-of-the-box functionality. Information for doing this is provided in Chapter 7 - Customizing Islandora.


1. Navigate to the Configuration Panel

Start by going to the ‘Administer’ ‘Islandora’ page in the admin panel and click on the ‘Islandora Solr ‘Solr Client’ link under ‘Site Configuration.

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2. Verify the Solr URL and Request Handler

The Solr URL should be So, for example, if you’re using the Islandora Virtual Machine Image, your Solr URL should be If the URL is correct you will see a green check mark.

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Make sure the request handler is set to ‘standard’. You can customize the request handler by editing solrconfig.xml to make other request handlers available. This assumes that you are using the default request handler, which will support all the metadata in our solution packs.

You can also restrict your search results to a particular namespace. This is useful if there are multiple sites using the same repository and you want to block search results from the other sites. Remember that the namespace is the first half of the PID – everything before the colon.


3. Set the Default and Secondary Display Profiles
