Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.

The steps below should see you through the upgrade of a standard Islandora installation to the latest versions of Apache Solr and Fedora GSearch.

DO NOT stop the fedora service before beginning these steps.

1. Confirm that Apache ant is installed

Code Block
ant -version

2. Remove the current Fedora GSearch .war file

Code Block
rm -f $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch.war

3. Remove the current Apache Solr .war file

Code Block
rm -f /opt/solr/apache-solr-1.4.1.war 

4. Copy the new Fedora GSearch .war file into place

Code Block
cp /staging/fedoragsearch-2.5/fedoragsearch.war $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/webapps/

5. Change ownership of the new GSearch .war file to user 'fedora'.

Code Block
chown fedora:fedora /usr/local/fedora/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch.war

6. Copy the /example/solr directory into place

Code Block
cp -r /staging/apache-solr-3.6.0/example/solr $FEDORA_HOME/solr

7. Change ownership of the new /solr directory to user 'fedora'

Code Block
chown fedora:fedora $FEDORA_HOME/solr/

8. Copy the new Apache Solr file into place

Code Block
cp /staging/apache-solr-3.6.0/example/webapps/solr.war $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/webapps/

9. Change ownership of the new Solr .war file to user 'fedora'.

Code Block
chown fedora:fedora$FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/webapps/solr.war

10. Edit the fedora-users.xml and files

10a.  fedora-users.xml

Code Block
vi $FEDORA_HOME/server/config/fedora-users.xml

Add the following section...

Code Block
> # add additional user
> <user name="fgsAdmin" password="[password]">
>   <attribute name="fedoraRole">
>     <value>administrator</value>
>   </attribute>
> </user>


Code Block
vi $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/FgsConfig/

Change, or uncomment, each of the following lines.  When uncommenting a line in a particular section, make sure to also comment out the original line that was 'selected' in that section.

Code Block
> configDisplayName=configProductionOnSolr
> gsearchPass= [password]
> local.FEDORA_HOME=/usr/local/fedora
> namesOfRepositories=FgsRepos

> namesOfIndexes=FgsIndex
(keep name in order not to modify GUI for GSearch)

> fedoraBase=http://localhost:8080
(to access objects from index in GUI for GSearch)

> fedoraPass=[password]
> indexEngine=Solr
> indexBase=http://localhost:8080/solr
> indexDir=${local.FEDORA_HOME}/solr/data/index
> indexingDocXslt=foxmlToSolr

11. Change to the /FgsConfig directory

Code Block
cd $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/FgsConfig

12. Run ant on the fgsconfig-basic.xml file

Code Block
ant -f fgsconfig-basic.xml 

You should see a message similar to:

Code Block
Total time: 0 seconds

13. Rename the current Solr schema.xml file to schema.bak

Code Block
mv $FEDORA_HOME/solr/conf/schema.xml $FEDORA_HOME/solr/conf/schema.bak

14. Copy the new, ant-generated Solr schema into place as schema.xml

Code Block
cp $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/webapps/fedoragsearch/WEB-INF/classes/fgsconfigFinal/index/FgsIndex/conf/schema-3.6.1-for-fgs-2.5.xml $FEDORA_HOME/solr/conf/schema.xml

15. Stop/Start the Fedora service

Code Block


16. Test the upgrade

  1. Check the number of items indexed in Fedora GSearch:   
    1. Go to http://localhost:8080/fedoragsearch/rest
    2. Login using fgsAdmin 
    3. Click on updateindex
    4. Click on updateIndex fromFoxmlFiles - The "Resulting number of index documents" should have the same value as it did before the upgrade
  2. Check the version of Solr:
    1. Go to
    2. Click the 'Solr Admin' link
    3. Click the [Info] link - The "Solr Specification Version" should match the version number of Solr that was just installed.
  3. Check the version of Fedora GSearch:
    1. Go to - The "Fedora Generic Search Service Version" should match the version number of GSearch that was just installed.
