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ldn.enabled = true|false

true  => message is received and managed the server responds with an HTTP 202 code
false  => message is refuced refused and the server respond responds with an HTTP 404 code

ldn.notify.inbox = DSpace\url\address\ = <ldn inbox endpoint> 

where the ldn inbox rest service is mapped on the current DSpace instance. IE: ${dspace.server.url}/ldn/inbox

coar-notify.ip-range.enabled = true|false

enables the filter on validation against the IP of the sender (external) for received ldn message (into the DSpace ldn inbox)against the registered range

Relation with the Quality Assurance Correction Service


Third party system can retrieve the location of the repository LDN InBox via the LDN autodiscovery mechanism, nevertheless to be able to interact with DSpace they need to be approved by a Repository Administrators and listed in the LDN Services Directory (see next paragraph); otherwise their messages will be flagged as untrusted and not processed at all.

LDN Services Directory (Registering Services)

Notify Service
Notify Service

You need to register the external services to trust allow the handling of the incoming LDN messages / send LDN messages to:.

These services are also used to send LDN notification during the submission process of an item (Please take a look at LDN Inbound pattern)

Administrators can do that manage services using the menu LDN Services. New/Edit Notify Service with this form

The following page is used to submit a new LDN Service:

Name: a label for the Notify Service used on the UI
Description: the description of the Notify Service - add details here

Service URL: the url of the remote Notify Service. This is mostly used

when DSpace sends out LDN Messages

as a descriptive URL when sending notification to an external system.

The service URL must not be confused with the inbox url. As said this url is descriptive so we expect the main application URL to be added here

Level of Trust: floating point number Level of Trust: floating point number value accepted between 0 and 1.

This value is passed into every QA Event created by every LDN Message

associated with this Notify Service: it goes to evaluate the "score" attribute of the QA Event. Score attribute is used for rejection/acceptance

used to assign to the service a TRUST value that describes how much reliable the external service is.

This value is not used if the automatic processing of QA Events is disabled

Check the configuration file qa event automation. See the project file dspace/config/spring/api/qaevents.xml on the bean qaAutomaticProcessingMap/qaScoreEvaluation to enable the automatic approval

When the automatic approval is configured the trust value of the LDN Service is check against configured score thresholds. 

Thresholds for automatic Approval/Rejection/Ignoring can be set.

Also within a specified range QA Events will need a manual approval

Service IP Range: two IP addresses Service IP Range: two IP numbers expected as minimum and maximum.

This range can be is used to add a filter to entrust the identified Notify Service of 

every incoming LDN Messages. If IP Range is enabled, the sender Notify Service is identified but the current LDN Message is coming from an IP

validate the received LDN Messages.

When the LDN notification doesn't match the configured IP Range the notification is stored as UNTRUSTEDout of this range - the LDN Message is set as untrusted.

LDN Inbox URL: every incoming LDN Message must have an identifiable Notify Service. This is the URL of that external system's LDN Inbox.

We match this field to the "origin.inbox" attribute of the incoming LDN Message. This field is mandatory. 

Every incoming LDN Message with a non-identifiable Notify Service associated is set as untrusted and won't be enrouted to the Ldn Router.

this is the url used to send the LDN Notifications. 

This url is also used when a notification is received to retrieve the registered LDN service it belongs to

This URL must is unique among the registered LDN Services

Inbound Pattern: the section for Inbound pattern is the section which describes what operations/actions are supported by the external service

The pattern itself can be selected from the dropdown as there's a list of pattern. To better understand pattern usage please 
refer to the official documentation https

Inbound Pattern: stored into the database table notifyservice_inbound_pattern - we can add at least 1 of them for each Notify Service. Every inbound

pattern is the triple of [ pattern, item filter, automatic flag ] :

pattern: see https


for all possible combinations, currently are hardcoded on the angular frontend project;


The item filter is used to describe which item can be processed for the current LDN Service/Inbound pattern. 
if the item filter is not set any item is allowed. If the filter is selected only for matching items the LDN Notification will be sent
(in case of automatic LDN Notification the notification is not sent, In case of NON-automatic service a validation will prevent requests 
to be sent to the external service) 

The automatic flag when set to true the ldn message exchange is performed automatically right after the item submission has finished.
this Automatic workflow generates an Outgoing LDN message targeting the Notify service for the just submitted item.

  • item filter: known on DSpace and declared onto dspace\config\spring\api\item-filters.xml
  • automatic flag: when activated the ldn message exchange starts automatically at the item submission time. Automatic triggers an Outgoing LDN
    message targeting the Notify service and the item in submission.

    The automatic flag involves only the submission phase of an item.
    If no item filter is set - the

    flag is applied on all submissions.

    LDN notification is generated for any submitted item. 

    LDN Inbox queueing

    LDN incoming messages are stored into the ldn_message database table. As far as the property ldn.enabled  is true and the incoming json is valid, the LDN Message is stored on the table. Together with the storage of the record, the queue status of the message is initialized. The queue_status column of the table contains the status of the LDN message inside the queue. All the possible queue_status values are described into the java class as integer constants.
