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{warning}This is a Beta release of the New Islandora Drupal 7 Module. As with all Beta software caution should be used deploying in production environments. Some level of experience with Islandora and Fedora are necessary to start working with this Beta. As we progress from Beta to a full release this documentation page will become more complete.


h2. Installation Instructions

{note}Islandora 7 *Requires* PHP 5.3{note}
* [Install Drupal 7|]
* [Install Fedora Commons|] (Tested with v3.4.2 and v3.5)
* [Install / Configure Drupal Filter|ISLANDORA6122:Installing & Configuring the Islandora Module and Servlet Filter]
** These instructions apply to the Drupal 7 except for the _"Test The Servlet Filter"_ section. Ignore this section.
* Download and Install the Drupal 7 Modules below.
* Test that the Drupal Filter is working by:
*# Go to the Drupal Administration Section
*# Click Islandora
*# Click Configuration
*# Follow the directions given in the _"Fedora base URL"_ section. If you get a green checkmark, you are successfully connected.

h2. Downloads


|| Component || Version ||
| [Islandora Repository |] | 7.x-1.0 |
| Collection Manager[Islandora Search|]\\ | 7.x-1.0 |
| [Islandora Solr Views|] (alpha)\\ | 7.x-1.0 \\ |
| Basic[Collection Image Solution Pack|] | 7.x-1.0 \\ |
| [Image XML FormsSolution Pack|]\\ | 7.x-1.0 \\ |


|| Component[PDF ||Solution Version ||
| Content Model Forms Pack|] (alpha)\\ | 7.x-1.0 \\ |
| Objective[Islandora Forms | |] (alpha)\\ |
| PHP Lib | 7.x-1.0 \\ |

*Other FilesRequirements*
|| Component || Version ||
| [Drupal Filter|] |  76.x-12.1.0 \\ |

h2. Contacts

[Google Developers Group|]: For support, feedback, and bug reports.

[Google Users Group|]: For user-related issues and information.

h2. License

Islandora operates under a [GNU license|ISLANDORA6122:APPENDIX G - GPL License].