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Islandora 12.2.0 will be released on Thursday, June 21, 2012. 

h2. New and Changed Features

h3. Book Solution Pack

The Book Solution Pack has undergone a major update. It now includes both the Islandora Image Viewer and the Internet Archive Book Viewer, and you can choose which viewer you'd like to use simply by switching between the two available content models. Other major improvements include:

* *Improved Uploader:* The new uploader allows you to add multiple ZIP or TIFF files to an upload queue and then ingest all the book pages in the upload queue. You can also append or insert pages in the same way after the initial pages have been uploaded and ingested.
* *OCR Searching and Highlighting Within the Book:* A search box in the IA viewer allows you to search for terms within a book, and the terms will be highlighted in the viewer using hOCR.
* *Page-Level Metadata:* You can associate a metadata form with the pageCModel, allowing you to create metadata for each page in a book.

{warning}In order to use the new Book Solution Pack you must update any legacy book objects in your repository using the Migrate Books module.{warning}


h4. How to Use the Migrate Books Module

The Migrate Books module has been packaged with this release. You can only use this module as the Admin user (user 1). Once it has been installed and enabled a menu link will appear in your Navigation menu: Add new Islandora RDF relationships to existing books. Clicking this link will rewrite the RDF relationships for all existing books in your repository to include the necessary relationships for the new Book Solution Pack.

*Note:* This process in destructive (i.e. it will overwrite existing RDF Datastreams), so any customizations will be lost. In most cases there will not be any customizations, however. This process can be potentially time consuming, so it is not recommended for large book collections.

h3. Solr

Solr has seen many improvements in this release, including a reorganized configuration page, the introduction of date faceting, and a host of under-the-hood updates. The following JIRA tickets provide more detail on all the Solr updates in this release:

h3. OAI Dissemination

The Islandora OAI module provides access to the OAI-PMH 2.0 protocol. You can read more about the OAI-PMH 2.0 standard [here|]. The OAI path in Islandora is set to */oai2*. From here, you can build OAI requests based on the OAI-PMH 2.0 standards.

h3. Tabs Configuration

The 'Object Details' tab is now configurable through the 'Tabs Configuration' settings under 'Islandora Configuration'. This tab can be configured one of three ways:

# *Hide the Tab*
# *XSLT:* Apply an XSL transform to a particular metadata Datastream. 
# *Table:* Display metadata in a table. Can be configured to display DC, MODS, or any other available DSID.

h3. ImageCache External

Islandora now supportsImageCache External {color:#000000}to display thumbnails as an experimental feature. {color}{color:#000000}This option can be enabled in the Islandora Configuration page under 'Advanced configuration options'. There are a couple things to note:{color}

* {color:#000000}It requires a patch to ImageCache External. A patched version can be found{color} {color:#000000}[here|]{color}{color:#000000}. If you find the feature useful please upvote our ImageCache External patch{color} {color:#000000}[here|]{color}{color:#000000}. {color}
* {color:#000000}Because ImageCache connects as an anonymous user, in order to see it in action the 'anonymous' role must have 'Access Fedora Collections' permission. Otherwise, it falls back to the default display. {color}

h2. Downloads

Most modules have been updated for this release, but any that have not been updated will retain their version from the last release. They have been provided in this list, but if you already have latest version installed you need not replace it. Please follow the [ guidelines for updating modules|] if you are updating from a previous version of Islandora.
{note}Be sure to follow the guidelines formentioned above when updating your modules. In particular, you need to completely remove and replace existing module directories, and run update.php after updating.{note}


|| Component || Version || Documentation ||
| [Islandora Repository|] | 6.x-12.2.0 | [Link|Islandora Repository] |
| [Batch Ingest|] | 6.x-12.2.0 | [Link|Batch Ingest] |
| [Collection Manager|] | 6.x-12.2.0 | [Link|Collection Manager] |
| [Harvester|] | 6.x-12.2.0 | [Link|Harvester] |
| [Solr|] | 6.x-12.1.0 | [Link|Solr Search] |
| [Audio Solution Pack|] | 6.x-12.1.0 | [Link|Audio Solution Pack] |
| [Books Solution Pack|] | 6.x-11.3.1 | [Link|Books Solution Pack] |
| [Basic Image Solution Pack|] | 6.x-12.1.0 | [Link|Basic Image Solution Pack] |
| [Large Image Solution Pack|] | 6.x-12.1.0 | [Link|Large Image Solution Pack] |
| [PDF Solution Pack|] | 6.x-12.1.0 | [Link|PDF Solution Pack] |
| [Video Solution Pack|] | 6.x-12.1.0 | [Link|Video Solution Pack] |
| [XML Forms|] | 6.x-12.1.0 | [Link|XML Forms] |


|| Component || Version || Documentation ||
| [Content Model Forms|] | 6.x-12.1.0 | [Link|Content Model Forms] |
| [Objective Forms|] | 6.x-12.1.0 | [Link|Objective Forms] |
| [PHP Lib|] | 6.x-12.1.0 | [Link|PHP Lib] |
| [Tabs|] | 6.x-11.3.1 | [Link|Tabs] |

*Other Files*
|| Component || Version || Documentation ||
| [Drupal Filter|] | 6.x-12.1.0 | [Link|Installing & Configuring the Islandora Module and Servlet Filter] |
| [Islandora Image Viewer|] | 6.x-12.1.0 | [Link|Chapter 12 - Installing Solution Pack Dependencies] |

h2. Improvements

h2. Bug Fixes

h2. Contacts

[Google Developers Group|]: For support, feedback, and bug reports.

[Google Users Group|]: For user-related issues and information.

h2. License

Islandora operates under a [GNU license|APPENDIX G - GPL License].